Department of Mathematics
1200 E California Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91125
Office: 262 Sloan
Phone: (626) 395-4342
Email: mantovan (at) caltech
(dot) edu
Here is a link to the Number Theory seminar
Here is a link to the 2011 Southern California Number Theory Day Conference at Caltech.
Ma 10 Oral presentation W 2:00—3:55; 151 Sloan.
l-adic etale cohomology of PEL type Shimura varieties with non-trivial
coefficients. WIN-Women in Numbers. Fields
Institute Communications 58 (to appear).
The Newton stratification. An expository paper,
part of the Paris Book
the Hodge-Newton filtration for p-divisible O-modules. (with
non-basic Rapoport-Zink spaces. Ann. Sci.
Ec. Norm. Super. (4) 41 (2008), no. 5, 671--716.
A compactification of Igusa
varieties. Math. Ann. 340 (2008), no. 2, 265--292.
On the cohomology of certain PEL type Shimura varieties. Duke Math. J. 129 (2005), no. 3,
On certain unitary group Shimura varieties. Varietes de Shimura, espaces de Rapoport-Zink et correspondances
de Langlands locales. Asterisque
291 (2004), 201--331.