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Nadia Lapusta


Kaneko, Y., J.-P. Ampuero, N. Lapusta, Spectral-element simulations of long-term fault slip: Effect of low-rigidity layers on earthquake-cycle dynamics, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2011JB008395, in press, 2011. . [pdf]

Noda H., and N. Lapusta, Three-dimensional earthquake sequence simulations with evolving temperature and pore pressure due to shear heating: Effect of heterogeneous hydraulic diffusivity, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B12314, doi:10.1029/2010JB007780, 2010. . [pdf]

Chen, K. H., R. Burgmann, R. M. Nadeau, T. Chen, and N. Lapusta, Postseismic variations in seismic moment and recurrence interval of repeating earthquakes, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 299, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.08.027, 2010. . [pdf]

Lu, X., A. J. Rosakis, and N. Lapusta, Rupture modes in laboratory earthquakes: effect of fault prestress and nucleation conditions, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B12302, doi:10.1029/2009JB006833, 2010. . [pdf]

Lu, X., N. Lapusta, N., A. J. Rosakis, Pulse-like and crack-like dynamic shear ruptures on frictional interfaces: experimental evidence, numerical modeling, and implications, Int. J. Fracture, doi :10.1007/s10704-010-9479-4, 163 (1-2), 27-39, 2010. . [pdf]

Kaneko, Y., and N. Lapusta, Supershear transition due to a free surface in 3-D simulations of spontaneous dynamic rupture on vertical strike-slip faults, Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2010.06.015, 2010. . [pdf]

Kaneko, Y., J.-P. Avouac, and N. Lapusta, Towards inferring earthquake patterns from geodetic observations of interseismic coupling, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/ngeo843, 2010. . [pdf]

Lu, X., N. Lapusta, and A. J. Rosakis, Analysis of supershear transition regimes in rupture experiments: the effect of nucleation conditions and friction parameters, Geophys. J. Int., 177, 717-732, 2009. . [pdf]

Lapusta, N, and Y. Liu, Three-dimensional boundary integral modeling of spontaneous earthquake sequences and aseismic slip, J. Geophys. Res. 114, doi:10.1029/2008JB005934, 2009. . [pdf]

Lapusta, N., The roller coaster of fault friction, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/ngeo645, 2009. . [pdf]

Harris, R.A., M. Barall, R. Archuleta, E. Dunham, B. Aagaard, J.P. Ampuero, H. Bhat, V. Cruz-Atienza, L. Dalguer, P. Dawson, S. Day, B. Duan, G. Ely, Y. Kaneko, Y. Kase, N. Lapusta, Y. Liu, S. Ma, D. Oglesby, K. Olsen, A. Pitarka, S. Song, and E. Templeton, The SCEC/USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise, Seismol. Res. Lett., 80 (1), 119-126, doi: 10.1785/gssrl.80.1.119, 2009. . [pdf]

Chen, T. and N. Lapusta, Rate and state friction laws can explain scaling of small repeating earthquakes, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B01311, doi:10.1029/2008JB005749, 2009. . [pdf]

Kaneko, Y. and N. Lapusta, Variability of earthquake nucleation in continuum models of rate-and-state faults and implications for aftershock rates, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B12312, doi:10.1029/2007JB005154, 2008.. [pdf]

Kaneko, Y., N. Lapusta, and J.-P. Ampuero, Spectral-element modeling of spontaneous earthquake rupture on rate and state faults: Effect of velocity-strengthening friction at shallow depths, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B09317, doi:10.1029/2007JB005553, 2008.. [pdf]

Liu, Y., and N. Lapusta, Transition of mode II cracks from sub-Rayleigh to intersonic speeds in the presence of favorable heterogeneity, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 56, 25-50, 2008. .. [pdf]

Lu, X., N. Lapusta, and A. J. Rosakis, Pulse-like and crack-like ruptures in experiments mimicking crustal earthquakes, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104, 18931-18936, 2007.. [pdf]

Day, S. M., L. A. Dalguer, N. Lapusta, and Y. Liu, Comparison of finite difference and boundary integral solutions to spontaneous rupture, J. Geophys. Res. 108, doi: 10.1029/2001JB000793, 2005.. [pdf]

Lapusta, N. and J. R. Rice, Nucleation and early seismic propagation of small and large events in a crustal earthquake model, J. Geophys. Res. 108, doi:10.1029/2001JB000793, 2003.. [pdf]

Rice, J. R., N. Lapusta, and K. Ranjith, Rate and state dependent friction and the stability of sliding between elastically deformable solids, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 49, 1865-1898, 2001.. [pdf]

Lapusta, N., J. R. Rice, Y. Ben-Zion, and G. Zheng, Elastodynamic analysis for slow tectonic loading with spontaneous rupture episodes on faults with rate- and state-dependent friction, J. Geophys. Res. 105, 23765-23789, 2000.. [pdf]