Ben Deverman, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist, 2014-2015

Director CLOVER, 2015-2018

Ben is now a Director of Vector Engineering at the Stanley Center within the Broad Institute.

Greg Stevens

Undergraduate Researcher, 2014-2016

Greg is starting his PhD program at Columbia University from 2016 Fall.

Cheng Xiao, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist, 2013-2016

Cheng is now an assistant professor at Xuzhou Medical College, China.

Chunyi Zhou, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015-2016

Chunyi is now a staff scientist at Xuzhou Medical College, China.

Bin Yang, M.S.

Research Assistant, 2012-2014

Bin is now a graduate student of Neurobiology program at Caltech.

Lindsay Bremner, Ph.D.

Senior Research Fellow, 2013-2014

Lindsay is now an Instructor at Caltech for Bi/CNS/NB 162. Cellular and Systems Neuroscience Laboratory and a Freelance Scientific Editor at Bremner Scientific.