Dr. Kenneth A. Pickar

Visiting Professor of Mechanical Engineering

E105: Product Design for the Developing World

Smoke—the Killer in the Kitchen: Indoor Air Pollution in Developing Countries (ITDG) PDF

                 Problems of indoor air pollution and technological solutions


Boiling Point. Intermediate Technology Development Group. HTML

                 Journal on stoves and household energy


WELL. What’s Cooking? A review of the health impacts of indoor air pollution and technical interventions for its reduction PDF


Jonathan Rouse. Improved Biomass Cookstove Programmes: Fundamental Criteria for Success. The Centre for the Comparative Study of Culture, Development & the Environment, The University of Sussex.  PDF


Ferdinand Kroon. Solar cookers in developing countries. PDF



Stoves and Indoor Air Pollution


Contact Information:

Instructor: Ken Pickar, x4185
Jeff Kranski