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724 Seperator

V-6 Division 1955

1.M.J. Farnham, AT-2 2. T.V. "Papa" Elliott, AOU-1 3.P.L. Schaffhauser, AOC 4.A.F. Zeigart, AOC
5.R.R. Beumer, MN-2 6.Kenneth R. Jenks MN-2 7.G.A. Perry, AO-2 8.L.A. Gardner, AO-2
9.R.R. Bernard, AO-210.J.J. Flynn, AO-3 11.F.Sowell, AN 12.J.A. Frizzell, AN
13.R.A. Follebout, TM-3 14.D.E. Huling, AO-3 15. M.L. Riteman, AO-3 16.J. Tomlin, AOAN
17.M. Marino, AOAN 18.G.H. Wright, AO-3 19.R.M. Festoff, AO-3 20.R.T. Grimshaw, AO-3
21.K.A. Strom, AO-3 22.J. Tomlin, AOAN

Picture courtesy of Ken Jenks
Name corrections courtesy of Roger Hickey

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