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CV-8 Found

Here are a few links to the story:

CBS News Search
CBS News Discovered
FOX News
Paul Allen

USA Website

U.S. NavyPOW/MIA Yoy Are Not ForgottenU.S. Marines

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The two addresses for this site are

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U.S.S. HORNET Ship Patch  Click here to see larger picture These are the two patches that my father (Ray Miles) had while serving on board the U.S.S. HORNET CVA-12 from 1954 to October 1957. The patch on the left is the ship's patch, and on the right is the patch for the "GAS GANG", V-4 Division, Purple Shirts, they are the people that refuel the aircraft.
Click on either patch to see a larger image.
Gas Gang Patch  Click here to see larger picture

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The Navy has donated the HORNET to the Aircraft Carrier HORNET Foundation for use as a museum. She is currently moored at ex-NAS Alameda (now Alameda Point) pier 3, and is open to the public for tours. Check out the "OFFICIAL" USS HORNET MUSEUM'S web site at

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If you served on the USS HORNET please join the
Please visit the USS HORNET Association's web site at

Join us for our next reunion with the USS Constellation.

USS Hornet CV-12, CVA-12, CVS-12 74th Reunion

USS Constellation CV-64, CVA-64, Reunion

All Ship's Company, Officers, Air Groups, Crew, Marines and Families Welcomed.
Families are invited to take a more active role in running of the Association

11 - 16 October 2023 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
DFW Airport Marriott South
4151 Centreport Blvd., Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX, 76155
(817) 358-1700

Contact: Sandy Burket, Secretary
PO Box 108, Roaring Spring, PA  16673-9817
(814) 224-5063 - cell (814) 312-4976 or

Reunion Web Site:
USS Constellation Web Site:
Contact: Richard Swain, Membership Chairman (432) 694-0227
email: or

Check out this years Reunion Poster

Get Acrobat Reader

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Please help Becky Holmes find her father!
Becky Holmes is trying to find her biological father. His name is Bernard Maynard Jewell Cook. He served on the Hornet CVS-12 in the early 60's. If you have any information she can be reached at,

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New Ship Named HORNET???

There is a new class of ship being made, it is the Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA-R) amphibious assault ship, and we would like to have one of these ships named the Hornet.

Please contact your congressman and senators with your request to name one of these ships HORNET.
Here is a letter that you can send to help us get a new HORNET.

The following link is an article about this new class ship.
The Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA-R) amphibious assault ship

If you need any more information, please contact Stu Kerr or Rolf Sabye

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Watch a snipit of the USS HORNET training video for the Apollo missions.

Hornet Museum Needs Information
Chuck Myers a docent on the Hornet is looking for anyone knowlegeable in the ASCAC space on the 02 level. This space has recently been restored and Chuck would like to talk to anyone that has knolege of this pace.

Chuck can be reackhed at

Check out Dave Schubert's VT-17 website.

Friday March 6, Captain Chris Lamb, Hornet Executive Officer during the Apollo 11 recovery operation, passed away from complications due to heart surgery. People can find out more information from Rolf Sabye (

A new book will be released in late March that documents Hornet's role in the Apollo 11 splashdown & recovery in great detail. Its called Hornet Plus Three and was written by Bob Fish, a Trustee of the USS Hornet Museum. It contains insightful information from a  number of participants including RADM Carl Seiberlich, Hornet's CO at that time. For a few months, it will only be sold via the USS Hornet Museum store and then will be available thru other book outlets. More info at

Apollo 11 and 12

Ray Holt is looking for any crewmembers that have stories about the Apollo 11 and 12 recovery missions. Ray is also looking to document any crew members who took, were given or traded pieces of the outer foil skin of the spacecraft or pieces of the heat shield.
It was very common for the NASA crew, who secured the Apollo spacecraft, to trade with crew members for a piece of the Apollo spacecraft. This is a subject that has never been approached or talked about and I'm trying to determine the source material for many supposedly flown artifacts from all of the Apollo missions.
Please contact Ray Holt at

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Crew Members ButtonGhost Stories Button
If you have any USS HORNET Ghost Stories please send them in for inclusion on this site.

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FlagYou can dispose of your tattered, worn out and frayed American flags without any charge to you whatsoever. Please send your flags to the Kitchen Table Gang Trust, 42922 Avenue 12, Madera, CA 93638-8866 and we will dispose of your flags in a proper and dignified manner with full honors pursuant to the United States Code.

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Cold War Recognition Certificates:

To all Veterans, or loved ones of Veterans, or if you know a Veteran: The Congress has authorized the Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, to award Certificates of Recognition for service in the Armed Forces during the Cold War. If you or someone you know served in the Armed Forces anytime during the period 2 Sep 45 to 26 Dec 91, that person is eligible to receive this certificate. There are only two requirements for this certificate: 1) Service in the Armed Forces during the eligible period, and 2) an honorable or general under honorable conditions discharge.
To receive this award, you must submit an application letter and proof of service. Application may be made by snail-mail, or by FAX or mail. For more information, please see the Cold War Certificate home page at Cold War Certificate
snail mail:
Cold War Recognition, Hoffmann II
Attn: AHRC-CWRS, 3N45
200 Stovall St.
Alexandria, VA 22322
FAX 1-(800)-723-9262
Thank you for your service to this country.

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Check out the book
USS HORNET CV-12 CVA-12 CVS-12 A Pictorial History
by Chuck Self  

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WANTED!! I am looking for a Master At Arms (metal) breast badge from U.S.S. HORNET CVA-12 and CVS-12. If you know of an authentic one, (not a reproduction) Please E-Mail me with the info. I also would like to obtain any cruise books, as well as any other information, dates, drawings, ceremony programs, pictures, deck logs, crew lists, etc. anything pertaining to the HORNET would be greatly appreciated. Any items sent to me will be copied and returned ASAP.
Dwayne Miles
(mail code) 332-92
Pasadena, CA 91125
I'd like to hear any stories you might have about your experience on board HORNET, and I will add them to the "Crew Stories Page" Also checkout the Crew Members Page for an ever growing list of former HORNET Crew Members.

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Please drop me an E-Mail drmiles at caltech dot edu I am always willing to talk about HORNET.

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USS HORNET POW/MIA Web Page by Robert J. Cruze Sr. Site Award

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CV-12 | Crew Members | Crew Stories | USS Hornet Association, Inc. | Pictures | Site Map | Ghost Stories
1953 Recommissioning | 1998 Recommissioning | Awards | Camouflage
Commanders | CV-8 | DAD | Decklog | Downloads | Early Hornets | Herman Got a Zero | Gunner
Lawerence Kennedy Journal | Legends | Links | Memorabilia | MIA's | Museum Schedule
NNS Bulletin 1945 | News Articles | Patches | Scoreboard | Service Dates | Sources | Time Line
Unit Citation | Wanted | Web Rings | What's New

Copyright © 1999 - 2024 Dwayne Miles W6OSG - drmiles @ caltech dot edu

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