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724 Seperator

USS HORNET 1776 - 1962

724 Seperator

What is a Femtosecond?
millisecond microsecond nanosecondpicosecond femptosecond
1/1000 1/10000001/10000000001/1000000000000 1/1000000000000000
A femtosecond is to a second, what a second is to 32 million years.
In one second, a beam of light travels 186,000 miles, seven times around the Earth, or three quarters of the way to the Moon.
In one femtosecond, light travels 0.3 microns (a fraction of a human hair).

724 Seperator

Dwayne Miles
Stage MAnager / Systems Administrator
California Institute of Technology
Campus Programs
(Mail Code) 332-92
Pasadena, California 91125

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