State Key Laboratory of Fire Science

Professor Fan, Weicheng, Professor of Combustion
Tel: (+86-551) 360-1657
Fax: (+86-551) 360-1669
Founded in 1991, the Laboratory is an unique state laboratory centered in fire science and technology with research topics covering a wide range. Laboratory activities are concerned with study in fire mechanisms and rules, simulation and method development, statistical models, theory and technique for safety engineering, and introduction of high technology. Training is given to prepare young personnel headed in scientific research andengineering techniques.

The laboratory consists of Special Experiment Building, Scientific Building and Open Experiment Site. Experimental simulations and measurements of fire processes in forest, building, oil tank are performed in the Special Experiment Building. The main facilities are a combustion wind tunnel (the second largest wind tunnel of this kind in the wold), a simulating house of five stores, and a oil fire test section. In the Scientific Research Building, there are a number of precision instruments, such as LPDA (Laser Particles Dapple Analyzer, TSP-D), TVS (Thermal Video System, AVIONICS-TVS-2000), powerful computer work stations (SGI, DEC) and extensive image processing and demonstrating software. Some large scale experiments can be carried out in the Open Experiment Site.

Current Research Areas: Practical software of building fire protection, Zone modeling, Field modeling of fire and its combination, Salt water simulation of smoke movement, Experimental techniques for compartment fire, Fire hazard assessment of high building, Analysis of smoke composition, Intelligent image supervision techniques for unwanted fire prediction, Development of intelligent fire detector, Simulation and experiment of forest fire behavior, Experimental research and theory analysis on fire vortex movement, Transition process research from field fire to crown fire, Fire hazard assessment of oil tank groups, Pool fire, Boil over fire of oil tank, Blowout fire, Safety offshore drilling, Detonation of combustible mixture of oil and gas, Protection technique for oil fire, Training facility of well blow simulation, Water mist techniques

The laboratory has extensive academic exchanges with colleagues from USA, UK, Japan, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Australia, Hong Kong as well as from within China, such as from the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Construction, the General Company of Petroleum and Nature Gas and the Ministry of Labor. The Laboratory welcomes researchers from all over the world to come and visit, give lectures and work together.

Fan, Weicheng	Engineering thermophysics, Fire 
	science, Thermal safety engineering
Wang, Qin'an	Combustion, Fire science

Associate Professors
Cheng, Xiaofang  	Radiation  and  measurements,   
	Combustion  in  internal 
combustion 	engines, Fire science	
Huo, Ran        	Fire science, Combustion technique
Jiang, Fenghui  	Building fire
Liao, Guangxuan  	Combustion  and  oil  fire,  
	Combustion diagnosis  and 
Wang, Jian	Numerical methods of fire process, 
	Model of building fire, Multi-
	dimensional modeling of fire
Yu, Biao	Experiment technique of fluid 
	mechanics, Vortex movement, 
	Shock dynamics
Wu, Longbiao    	Electronics technology  in  fire  
	science, Electronics engineering 
and 	computer application
Yang, Bangrong  	Thermophysics measurement, Fire 
Zhou, Jianjun	Mechanisms of fire vortex, Vortex 
	breakdown, Fire safety design

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