Production Team
The Mechanical Universe

The production of this extraordinary project involved filming in such locations as Woolsthorpe Manor, Newton's home in England, and Galileo's haunts in Arcetri, Italy; the creation of intricate sets and demonstration experiments; and the creation of what may be the most sophisticated computer-animation sequences ever developed. The thoughtful interplay between the academic and production experts, each of whom learned to appreciate the other's craft, contributed greatly to the success of the project.

Sally Beaty, Executive Producer, serves as president of Intelecom, Inc., one of the largest college television consortia in the United States, providing leadership for both the production of internationally distributed television courses and the broadcast of 30 college-credit courses each year over a dozen commercial and public stations in the Southern California area.

Ms. Beaty has extensive experience in the broadcast industry as a writer, producer, and on-air host for such stations as WAGA and WJCT. In completing a degree in education at Jacksonville University in Florida, she was the state's first intern in instructional television. She has served as instructional television specialist for a large suburban school district and headed a college television operation, in addition to producing award-winning documentary and instructional series. Ms. Beaty has a master's degree in Radio, Television, and Film from the University of Kansas.

Peter Buffa, Producer and Director, is an accomplished writer and producer, with credits ranging from feature films (The Ghost Dance, One From the Heart, Hammett), theater (The Babe), documentaries, and commercials, to the Emmy-award-winning telecourses Oceanus: The Marine Environment and The Business of Management. Buffa has a BFA in drama production from the University of Arizona, attended the University of Southern California School of Cinema, and was the recipient of a Shubert Foundation scholarship in directing and playwriting.

Mark Rothschild, Associate Producer, was the Associate Producer of the Emmy-award-winning Personal Finance and Money Management telecourse. Trained in film production at the USC School of Cinema, he has produced and directed numerous dramatic, documentary, and informational films.

Jack Arnold, Story Editor, has, in addition to editing and writing, and re-rewriting several series for PBS, created 100 college texts. He has written films and record albums, countless newspaper pieces and a magazine column, a musical, a screenplay, television scripts, advertising copy, a nightly radio show, and a semi-serious novel as well as three works of nonfiction. Mr. Arnold claims he did NOT direct the classic 1957 science fiction film The Incredible Shrinking Man.

Bob Lattanzio, Production Coordinator, has worked as a production coordinator and writer on several telecourses, including Project Universe and the Emmy-award-winning Oceanus. His credits additionally include feature films and commercials.

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