Ma 148: Topics in Mathematical Physics - Number Theory and Physics

Winter 2024: Caltech Math Department, Tuesday-Thursday 9:00-10:30 am, Linde 187

Brief Course Description

This class will present various instances of the rich interplay between Number Theory and Physics, including quantum statistical mechanics and number fields, modular curves and modular forms, physics related aspects of the Riemann zeta function, mock and quantum modular forms in physics

The class is graded P/F, the grade is assigned on the basis of attendance/participation and completion of an assigned reading/presentation or project individually assigned by the instructor.


Notes of the lectures will be posted here

Summary of Lectures

A short summary of each lecture will be posted here

Some book references

There is no official textbook for this class, but the following books will be useful references. All these books should be available in the Caltech library. If you have any difficulty locating them contact me.

Other Reading Material

Suggested reading material including both material covered in the lectures and possible suggestions for student presentations (more will be added as the class progresses)

Schedule of Presentations:

Links to Papers of Assigned Student Presentations: