Michael Reiser
Email: mreiser@caltech.edu
Phone: 626-395-6658
I am yet another engineer in the Dickinson Lab. My background is in conventional EE and CS pursuits, and more recently I've focused on robotics and control theory. I am interested in applying biological principles to robotic systems, and seeking out control systems present in nature. Human-engineered systems have difficulty making robust decisions in the face of uncertainty. Clearly biological systems have much to teach us about the integration of sensing into actions. For the past year I have been working on a simulation/mobile robot hybrid, which we've called "FlyBall" (short for Flying Eyeball). This gizmo implements a robotic control system inspired by current behavioral and physiological models of Drosophila. We've had moderate success achieving surprisingly robust fly-like robotic behavior with a simple control system. I joined the Computation & Neural Systems program at Caltech in the Fall of 2002.

B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Florida, 2000
B.S. Computer Engineering, University of Florida, 2000
M.S. Electrical Engineering, UC Berkeley, 2002

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