About Me


Hi! I am a fourth-year graduate student in the CMS department at Caltech. I am working with Professors Andrew Stuart and Tapio Schneider on applications of data-driven techniques to climate modelling.

Prior to starting at Caltech in 2017, I graduated from Moscow State University, CMC department in 2013, and worked four years at various R&D positions in industry.

In my spare time, I like to do sports (tennis, table tennis, surfing, football), hang out with friends, watch movies, and drink good tea.


  1. Burov, D., Giannakis, D., Manohar, K., and Stuart, A. M.
    Kernel analog forecasting: Multiscale test problems. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation (2021).   arXiv:2005.06623doi:10.1137/20M1338289
  2. Burov, D. A., Evstigneev, N. M., and Magnitskii, N. A.
    On the chaotic dynamics in two coupled partial differential equations for evolution of surface plasmon polaritons. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2017).   doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2016.10.012


Applying Kernel Analog Forecasting to Parametric Cases. SIAM DS 21, minisymposium Geometrical and Operator-Theoretic Approaches for Feature Extraction and Prediction in Dynamical Systems. May 25, 2021

Teaching Assistantships

  1. ACM 154: Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation. FA 2021
    Instructor: Andrew Stuart.
  2. CMS 107: Linear Analysis with Applications. FA 2020
    Instructor: Andrew Stuart.
  3. ACM 109: Mathematical Modelling. SP 2020
    Instructor: Franca Karoline Olga Hoffmann.
  4. CMS 107: Linear Analysis with Applications. Head TA, FA 2019
    Instructor: Andrew Stuart.
  5. ACM 95/100a: Introductory Methods of Applied Mathematics for the Physical Sciences. WI 2019
    Instructor: Konstantin Zuev.
  6. CMS 107: Linear Analysis with Applications. FA 2018
    Instructor: Andrew Stuart.

Invited Lectures

Gaussian processes as a regression tool. May 14, 2021
