Amnesty International Group 22 Pasadena/Caltech News
Volume XIX Number 4, April 2011

             UPCOMING EVENTS

Thursday, April 28, 7:30 PM. Monthly 
Meeting. Caltech Y is located off San Pasqual 
between Hill and Holliston, south side. You 
will see two curving walls forming a gate to a 
path-- our building is just beyond. Help us 
plan future actions on Sudan, the 'War on 
Terror', death penalty and more.  

Tuesday May 10, 7:30 PM.  Letter writing 
meeting at Caltech Athenaeum, corner of Hill 
and California in Pasadena. This informal 
gathering is a great way for newcomers to get 
acquainted with Amnesty!   

Sunday, May 15, 6:30PM.  Rights Readers 
Human Rights Book Discussion group. This 
month we read "The Routes of Man" by Ted 


 Hi everyone
Spring break is almost over and then it's back to 
crazy time!  I've enjoyed a nice rest, getting a 
few important things done but mostly flaking 
Hope everyone has a nice holiday weekend.
Group 22 members have been busy lately - 
Stevi, Joyce, and Lucas attended the AGM in 
San Francisco last month.  Read the reports 
from Joyce and Lucas featured in this 
newsletter.  Stevi and Laura attended a 
Pasadena City Council meeting with other DP 
activists in order to persuade them to adopt a 
resolution against it. 
Doo Dah is coming up next weekend.  It's not 
too late to join the fun!  This year's theme is 
maternal health care.  Rob and I will be in 
Eastern Washington that weekend to celebrate 
my aunt's 90th birthday along with a crowd of 

Con carino,

             RIGHTS READERS
    Human Rights Book Discussion Group

     Keep up with Rights Readers at

       Next Rights Readers meeting: 
         Sunday, May 15, 6:30 PM
            Vroman's Bookstore
           695 E. Colorado Blvd
              In Pasadena

           The Routes of Man
            by Ted Conover

About the Author

I feel lucky to do what I do. I write about real 
people, often by living their lives for a while-
visiting their lives, you might say. Trying them 
on for size. Though there are easier ways to 
make a living, I suppose, none strike me as a 
fraction so interesting.

My first real adventures were cross-country 
bicycle rides, and a summer's work in a sausage 
factory in Pamplona, Spain. During time off 
from college, I did community organizing in 
Dallas as a VISTA volunteer. Then came riding 
the rails (Rolling Nowhere), which originated as 
another escape from college, but doubled as 
research for a senior anthropology thesis. A 
transcendent moment occurred in a freight yard 
in Bakersfield, California, where, as I spoke with 
a guy my age named Enrique Jarra, it dawned on 
me that Mexican illegals were the true, modern-
day incarnation of the classic American hobo. 
Coyotes, my second book, recounts a year of 
work and travel with these men.

A smart guy I met in New York (he now edits 
the New Yorker magazine) introduced me at a 
party as a writer who "made a living sleeping on 
the ground," which got me thinking and led me 
to Aspen and Whiteout, a very different sort of 
first-person ethnography. And then came 
Newjack, an account of immersion in a world 
that is tough and dangerous and - if a person's 
not careful - soul-shrinking. That research was 
my hardest ever, but also paid an enduring 
dividend of knowledge.

In my latest book, The Routes of Man, I link a 
series of challenging first-person passages down 
roads with reflections on how this most 
extensive manmade artifact changes us all, both 
intentionally and not. It's a book about roads, 
yes, but like my others it's also a book about me. 
I continue to admire writing where the writer has 
something at stake; where he doesn't just 
depend on experts but rather takes time to think 
and research and participate, thereby 
transforming himself into an expert; where his 
caring and the urgency of the subject can 
transform the writing into something that 
matters, an act of witnessing. 
                    From Ted Conover's website

Book Review: 'The Routes of Man: How Roads Are
Changing the World and the Way We Live Today'
  By Richard B. Woodward, New York Times

The symbolic value of the road may be as crucial 
for civilization as its ancient function in easing 
the transport of goods and soldiers. Poets have 
long viewed the ups and downs of a tortuous 
path worn smooth over time as a potent 
metaphor for the course of life itself. To young 
Americans after World War II, the highway 
promised escape and happy fortuity, while for 
less mobile societies it has been as much a 
source of trouble as a way out of it - the means 
by which the destructive stranger, novelty or 
virus comes to town.
Ted Conover's absorbing book sifts the many 
meanings of the concept and weighs the profit 
and loss for various cultures (as well as wildlife) 
attendant on this expanding form of 
infrastructure. One of the leading participatory 
journalists of our time, he has bushwhacked far 
off the interstates before, sleeping in the 
Mexican desert with immigrants heading north 
in "Coyotes" and in boxcars with hobos in 
"Rolling Nowhere". 
His six adventures here are no less far-flung. He 
walks with a group of young Tibetan Buddhists 
through the Indian region of Ladakh as they 
make their annual 40-mile journey on a frozen 
river from Himalayan villages to the city of Leh. 
He rides with Peruvian truckers heading over the 
Andes with an illegal shipment of mahogany 
and with Kenyan truckers suspected of 
spreading AIDS along their routes. In China and 
Nigeria, countries afflicted with patchy 
transportation networks, he reports on efforts to 
build more and better roads, success that has 
resulted in bigger traffic and social problems. 
After each of these first-person travelogues, 
which exhibit his remarkable gift for 
companionship and impious eye for absurdity, 
Mr. Conover pauses to reflect on everything 
from the role of the military in highway 
construction to the thrill of driving a Porsche 
over the speed limit to the emerging discipline of 
road ecology. 
"For many animals, movement is not optional; 
it's what they do to find food, to survive," he 
writes, adding with chagrin that he himself has 
probably killed tens of thousands of insects and 
other tiny creatures by accident in his 30 years 
as a driver. 
"The road is very unfair, very harsh," observes a 
Kenyan truck driver, and Mr. Conover agrees. 
But it is also, a friend of his notes, an oddly 
"self-effacing" feature of any landscape, one 
that is "always receding." Loaded with 
searching questions about the double edge of 
connectivity and the future of the planet, this is 
a book with few answers. The main comfort it 
provides is the chance to spend time with such a 
thoughtful and daring writer. 

               By Lucas Kamp

Joyce, Stevi, Veronica and I attended this event, 
which was held in the historic (and expensive!) 
Fairmont Hotel, where the UN Charter was 
drafted in 1945.  The weather was pretty bad 
and delayed our flights up by several hours, but 
we made it just in time to catch the last part of 
the opening ceremonies, featuring Joan Baez 
talking about her long-time experiences working 
for human rights and AI and singing several 
songs.  She has aged, of course, but still looks 
and sounds very good.

Saturday morning I attended an OCAN 
breakfast caucus led by Kala Mendoza, where 
more plans were made for the Organizing Cities 
project, in which LA is one of the focus cities.  
After that were the Opening Remarks, featuring 
a video address by Jimmy Carter and a truly 
great speech by Salil Shetty, the new Secretary 
General of AI (who replaced Irene Khan, about 
whose departure last year there has been a big 
news flap - to which no reference at all was 
made during the entire conference).  Shetty is an 
excellent speaker, both funny and eloquent;  I 
hope he will be equally effective as S-G.  I 
missed the first sessions block, but attended the 
lunchtime Local Groups Caucus and an 
interesting session entitled "Are UN 
Investigative Reports Advancing International 
Justice?" (consensus:  they are, on the whole, 
though some are pretty futile).  I then attended a 
rather strange "focus group" to which I had 
been invited, supposedly by random selection, 
though almost everyone there was a group 
coordinator or some AI functionary;  it was a 
small closed session that focused mostly on PR 
aspects of AI.  After that there was a series of 
plenary sessions that featured a number of 
speakers, mostly good to excellent;  one who 
stood out was Jenni Williams of Women of 
Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA), who was both 
colorful and eloquent.

Sunday morning was the voting plenary, which 
processed 5 resolutions, 3 of which pertained to 
environmental issues.  None was particularly 
controversial and all passed by large margins.  
The most interesting one, to me, was one 
addressing the human rights of environmental 
cross-border migrants (e.g., inhabitants of island 
nations that are sinking due to rising sea levels), 
a category that has been neglected in 
comparison to refugees from wars or political 
oppression.  After that was the closing plenary, 
featuring four speakers all of whom were very 
interesting:  Salil Shetty again, giving another 
fine turn, Paul Hoffman, a well known HR 
lawyer and past AI functionary, who gave a 
fascinating account of the development of AI 
over the decades, Mike Posner, an official with 
the Obama administration who offered some 
unique insights into the struggle within that 
administration to give voice to human rights, 
and Larry Cox, the Executive Director of AIUSA 
(in his final year in that role), to whom it's 
always a pleasure to listen.

After the end of the conference on Sunday 
afternoon I attended a 3-hour session of the 
Regional Planning group at the Western 
Regional Office, led by the Regional Director, 
Rini Chakraborty.  I did not have much to 
contribute to this group, but it was interesting to 
hear something about the inner workings of the 
AIUSA administration.  One small detail of 
which I made note is that the WRO has a large 
collection of films that can be obtained by local 
groups for public viewings;  there is a link to a 
list of these in the Weekly Update email that 
gets sent out regularly.
This AGM commemorated the 50th anniversary 
of the founding of AI and AIUSA pulled out all 
the stops to make it a success.  I think it 
succeeded, with some really outstanding 
speakers and about 1300 attendees.

             MORE ABOUT AGM
              By Joyce Wolf

Here are a few notes of mine to supplement 
Lucas's excellent summary. Because of our plane 
delays, we missed the Opening Ceremony, but 
arrived just as the Joan Baez tribute was 
beginning. Steve Earle sang "I Dreamed I Saw Joe 
Hill" and got a big cheer when he changed the 
words to "From San Diego to Madison." 
(Throughout the conference any mention of 
Wisconsin was greeted with huge applause!) 
You can watch at
and also find links to Joan's performances 
at AGM of "Imagine" and "There But for 
Fortune." We posted Stevi's beautiful photo of 
Joan on our Group 22 facebook page.

I attended the workshop "Holding Oil 
Companies Accountable: Human Rights in the 
Gulf Coast and the Niger Delta." Amnesty's 
renewed emphasis on environmental issues 
warmed my heart, since the Just Earth campaign 
back in 2000 was my first bit of activism. I 
picked up the new Niger Delta petition to use 
for the theme of Group 22's table at Pasadena's 
Earth Day festival. Stage 2 of the Nigeria 
campaign is planned to coincide with the 
November anniversary of Ken Saro-Wiwa's 

A highlight of the Saturday afternoon plenary 
was the live phone call to Aung San Suu Kyi. 
She couldn't see the standing ovation we gave 
her, but she could certainly hear it! Another 
inspiring speaker was Jenni Williams of WoZA. I 
remember writing cards to these women during 
Amnesty write-a-thons. Jenni told a story about 
how various local police stations did not want 
to hold a group of arrested WOZA women, 
because "too many letters would be coming". 

My favorite resolution was the one about 
promoting a healthy and safe environment as a 
human right. An AIUSA Board amendment 
(passed overwhelmingly) added language 
mentioning the previous Just Earth campaign. 
The final texts of the resolutions passed by the 
AGM are not yet online, although I suppose that 
will happen eventually. More articles about the 
AGM are posted at

              GAO ZHISHENG
              By Joyce Wolf

It was one year ago on April 20 that human 
rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng disappeared for the 
second time into the custody of China's secret 
police. Members of Group 22 marked the 
anniversary by signing a card of support and 
encouragement for Geng He, Gao's wife, who 
fled with their children to the U.S. in 2009.

European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek 
noted the anniversary. On April 20 he said, " I 
remain seriously concerned about the fate of Mr. 
Gao Zhisheng. ...[the Chinese authorities] 
should provide a credible account of Gao 
Zhisheng's whereabouts and his state of health."

Gao has been in the news a lot in the past 
month. On March 24 he received the 2011 
Bindmans Law and Campaigning Award from 
the Index of Censorship organization. Geng He 
stated, "I wish Gao Zhisheng could receive this 
award, instead of me accepting on his behalf. I 
would have been proud to see him here, I would 
have cheered for his regained freedom and once 
again I would have been able to breathe freely, 
to think freely, and to speak freely."
On March 28 the organization Freedom Now 
made public a judgment from the United 
Nations Working Group on Arbitrary 
Detentions. Senator John Kerry responded, "I 
commend the thorough investigation by the 
independent UN Working Group on Arbitrary 
Detention into the disappearance of Gao 
Zhisheng, the Chinese lawyer and human rights 
advocate. I am deeply concerned for Gao's 
welfare, and I call on the Chinese government to 
release him immediately and reunite him with 
his wife and family." 

The arrest of renowned artist Ai Weiwei has 
sparked worldwide reactions concerning human 
rights in China. See Martha's excellent articles of 
April 15 and April 17 at The annual 
springtime human rights dialog between the 
USA and China, scheduled for next week in 
Beijing, should have some interesting topics to 
discuss. Assistant Secretary Michael Posner will 
lead the US delegation. He was a speaker at the 
AGM's last plenary session and acquitted 
himself well under relentless questioning, so 
here's wishing him luck!

Please take a moment to observe the anniversary 
of Gao Zhisheng's disappearance by expressing 
your concern to one or more authorities in 
China. Addresses and guidelines are at

             By Laura Brown

Members of the Los Angeles County Coalition 
for Death Penalty Alternatives met Thursday, 
April 21, 2011 with Pasadena City 
Councilwoman Margaret McAustin to press 
their case against California executions.  Stevi 
Carroll and Laura Brown represented Group 22 
at the meeting. McAustin seemed very receptive 
to the group's ideas, asking questions and 
revealing that she personally opposes the death 
penalty, and that her strongest objection to it is 
that an innocent person may be executed. In 
materials handed out by James Clark, the 
coalition leader, a Senate commission has found 
that 138 people so far have been exonerated 
from death row in the U.S.

Clark urged McAustin to initiate a move by the 
Pasadena City Council to go on record as 
opposing the death penalty. He and other 
members noted that the council took such a 
position on a prominent issue earlier when they 
opposed the Patriot Act. In addition, some city 
councils have expressed their support for 
equality in marriage. Clark told McAustin that 
California may repeal the death penalty only by 
an initiative of the voters. However, he said that 
Governor Jerry Brown has the power to convert 
the sentences of all of those on death row to life 
without parole, should he choose to do so.

In the meantime, Clark asked McAustin to help 
introduce a resolution to the legislative 
committee of Pasadena's city council the 
purpose of the resolution, Clark said, is to 
prevail upon Los Angeles County District 
Attorney Steve Cooley to not pursue additional 
death penalty sentences. Each county 
prosecution seeking death costs the county 
budget $1 million, Clark said. Senior Minister 
Jim Nelson of the Neighborhood Unitarian 
Universalist Church of Pasadena told McAustin, 
that economic issues are not the only important 
ones for elected officials to consider. Leading the 
community in doing the right thing is also their 
duty, he said. "We elected you to be 
courageous," he told McAustin.

Clark told the councilwoman that California has 
more people on death row (715) than any other 
state. The California legislature is considering 
building a new death row facility at a cost of 
$400 million, in addition to the nearly $1 million 
spent recently on renovating the death chamber. 
McAustin met with the coalition members for 
more than 40 minutes, and ended by agreeing to 
bring up the resolution to Pasadena Mayor Bill 
Bogaard immediately. Clark said that the 
coalition has already met with Pasadena council 
member Jacque Robinson on the issue, and 
plans to meet soon with council member Steve 
Madison and Bogaard.

            By Cheri Dellelo

    Make It a Meaningful Mother's Day

AI is campaigning to have the Maternal Health 
Accountability Act of 2011 passed. This act 
would establish accountability, fight maternal 
health disparities, and combat severe maternal 

As we told you last month, every 90 seconds a 
woman dies from complications related to 
pregnancy and childbirth. This is a global 
problem, but you may be surprised to hear that 
it is a serious concern in the U.S. as well. 
Women in the U.S. have a higher risk of dying of 
pregnancy-related complications than those in 
49 other countries, including Kuwait, Bulgaria, 
and South Korea. And California rates an 
appalling 35th among the United States in 
maternal health.

This Mother's Day (May 8), please consider 
making a donation to AI in your mother's name 
to honor her and to help support the passage of 
the Maternal Health Accountability Act of 2011. 
Visit AIUSA's site to make to make your tax-
deductable donation --

  Pakistan Considers Life Sentence for Acid 
            Attacks On Women

Pakistan's National Assembly is considering a 
bill that would toughen the punishment for 
people who commit acid attacks on women. The 
bill was prepared by the National Commission 
on the Status of Women, a government 
committee that oversees women's rights in 
Pakistan. Tahira Noor, head of the commission, 
said that life imprisonment and a fine of 1 
million rupees ($11,800) had been proposed in 
the bill as punishment for anyone involved in 
carrying out an acid attack on women. (The 
current penalty for those convicted of acid 
attacks is between five and 14 years in prison.) 
People selling the acid used in the attacks would 
also be subject to legal action.

Reports suggest that an average of about 150 
incidents of acid attacks on women are reported 
in Pakistan each year. Men attack women with 
acid and usually throw it at their heads or faces, 
often leaving them grotesquely disfigured. The 
attacks are sometimes carried out for religious 
reasons. But more often they are used by men 
against disgruntled wives, because a woman has 
rejected a man, or to settle family feuds.

   Liberian Woman Forced to Undergo Female 
           Genital Mutilation

In Liberia, in January 2010, Ruth Berry Peal had 
an argument with two women from the Gola 
ethnic group and was summoned by the Gola 
Chief who ruled that she be genitally mutilated 
despite her belonging to an ethnic group that 
does not practice FGM. The following day, Ruth 
was forcibly taken from her home to the 'bush' 
where she was genitally mutilated in an 
initiation ritual, was forced to take an oath of 
secrecy and was threatened with death if she 
broke the oath. She was kept in the 'bush' for 
one month and developed health complications, 
which required three months of treatment 
following her release. Ruth filed a lawsuit 
against the two women who forcibly mutilated 
her. However, because Ruth has invoked the 
wrath of the Gola community by exposing their 
practice after taking an oath of secrecy, she and 
her husband received several threats demanding 
they drop the case. Ruth's case has been moved 
to Monrovia, where she currently resides apart 
from her husband and children due to threats 
against her. She has been receiving support from 
the Women NGOs Secretariat of Liberia 
(WONGOSOL), Women of Liberia Peace 
Network (WOLPNET) and the Association of 
Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL).

Please write to the Liberian authorities urging 
them to honor Liberia's international and 
regional human rights commitments by enacting 
and enforcing comprehensive legislation against 
FGM as well as supporting educational outreach 
to relevant communities and local chiefs on the 
harms of FGM. Please also urge the Minister of 
Internal Affairs to immediately cease the 
practice of issuing permits to schools where 
FGM is conducted, and ask them to ensure that 
Ruth Peal obtains justice and remedy for the 
abuse she suffered. Because Ruth is threatened 
by members of the secret society and traditional 
heads who support the secret society, please 
also request that the government provide her 
with immediate protection. A sample letter, 
street addresses, and email addresses can be 
found at Equality Now's website -

    Libyan Woman Detained and Slandered 
            After Rape Claim 

Libyan postgraduate law student Iman al-
Obeidi attracted worldwide media attention on 
March 26 during the 2011 Libyan Civil War, 
when she burst into the restaurant of the Rixos 
Hotel in Tripoli and told the international press 
corps staying there that 15 of Muammar 
Gaddafi's government troops had detained her 
at a checkpoint, held her against her will for two 
days, beaten, and gang-raped her. Her insistence 
on telling her story in public had the effect of 
challenging both the Gadaffi regime and the 
taboo that surrounds discussion of sex crimes in 
that country.

A scuffle took place in which government 
security forces dragged her out of the hotel and 
drove her to an unknown destination, using 
violence against journalists who tried to help 
her. Government spokespersons told reporters 
she was drunk, mentally ill, a whore, and a 
thief. A Libyan state television anchor called her 
a whore and a traitor, and said she would be 
charged with slander. The Washington Post 
described her as a "symbol of defiance against 

Police "minders" tried to prevent al-Obeidi from 
speaking to foreign journalists.

She was released from government detention 
after three days, and was interviewed several 
times by Libya TV - an opposition satellite 
channel - and by CNN, during which she offered 
graphic details of her rape and subsequent 
detention by government officials. As of April 
11, she remained out of detention, but was being 
prevented from leaving Tripoli. Please urge the 
Gaddafi Development Foundation to:

- Ensure Iman el-Obeidi's right to freedom of 
movement is guaranteed and that clear 
instructions are issued to all pro-Gaddafi forces 
not to obstruct her safe passage to eastern 

- Demand the Libyan authorities conduct an 
immediate, full, and thorough independent 
investigation into her alleged rape and ill-
treatment by members of the Libyan security 
forces and bring those responsible to justice.

AI's UK site has a sample email you can send:

  Egyptian Women Protesters Forced To Take 
          'Virginity Tests'

AI called on the Egyptian authorities to 
investigate serious allegations of torture, 
including forced 'virginity tests,' inflicted by the 
army on women protesters arrested in Tahrir 
Square last month. After army officers violently 
cleared the square of protesters on March 9, at 
least 18 women were held in military detention. 
AI has been told by women protesters that they 
were beaten, given electric shocks, subjected to 
strip searches while being photographed by male 
soldiers, then forced to submit to 'virginity 
checks' and threatened with prostitution charges.
All the women detained in the military prison 
were brought before a military court on 11 
March and released on 13 March. Several 
received one-year suspended prison sentences. 
Salwa Hosseini was convicted of disorderly 
conduct, destroying private and public 
property, obstructing traffic, and carrying 
weapons. AI opposes the trial of civilians before 
military courts in Egypt, which have a track 
record of unfair trials and where the right to 
appeal is severely restricted.

Demand that Egyptian officials investigate the 
allegations and stop this shocking and 
degrading treatment of women protestors. Call 
on Secretary Clinton to use her influence to 
demand immediate action by sending the email 
provided by AI at

           By Stevi Carroll


As Laura discussed, she and I along with other 
members of the Los Angeles County Coalition 
for Death Penalty Alternatives met with 
Pasadena City Councilmember Margaret 
McAustin.  The meeting did go well, and I am 
looking forward to continuing with this work.

The LACCDPA is adding the city council of 
West Hollywood to pursue for support in our 
resolution to DA Steve Cooley.  A LGBT group 
called IDAHO (International Day Against 
Homophobia and Transphobia) has taken a 
stand linking gay rights and human rights 
including death penalty abolition.  We thought 
this would be a perfect entry to the West 
Hollywood city council.  Also James Clark said 
that years ago West Hollywood supported a 
resolution against the death penalty.  More news 
to come.

Gil Garcetti

Former LA country DA, Gil Garcetti who 
pursued death sentences while DA recently 
went on record saying that the California "death 
penalty is dysfunctional."  He said that the 
resources used to pursue the death penalty 
would be better spent "keeping kids in school, 
keeping teachers and counselors in their schools 
and giving the juvenile justice system the 
resources it needs."  He thinks we should use 
our shared tax money on preventing crimes.  
This is a boost for our cause!

Troy Davis

March 28, 2011, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled 
that Troy Davis did not prove his innocence and 
while the court does not believe guilt has been 
undeniably established, he still may face 
execution.  This ruling removes Mr. Davis's last 
remaining court challenge to his execution.  
Jason Ewart, one of Mr. Davis' lawyers, says he 
will now take the appeal back to the Georgia 
pardons and paroles board.  An online petition 
is available at

At the AGM, I had the opportunity to hear 
Martina N. Davis-Correia, Mr. Davis' sister, and 
Antone De'Juan Davis-Correia, his nephew, 
speak.  They have not given up hope for Mr. 
Davis and continue to work for him.  Meeting 
them allowed me to see the human faces of this 

On April 12, 2011, Virginia Davis, Mr. Davis's 
mother, unexpectedly died.  Martina Davis-
Correia said that her mother had been upset 
since the Supreme Court's decision.  Ms Davis-
Correia also said, "I think she just had a broken 

If you would like to send Troy Davis a letter or 
card, please write to
Troy A. Davis #657378 
GDCP PO Box 3877 G-2-39 
Jackson, GA 30233

An interesting video about Mr. Davis, Life and 
Trials of Troy Anthony Davis, can be found at

Death Penalty in 2010

Amnesty has released a report, Death Penalty in 
2010: Executing Countries Left Isolated After 
Decade of Progress.  The report is available at

An interesting short video, Death Penalty in 
2010, can be found at

Drugs for Killing

As you will see from the recent executions, the 
drugs used are changing.  Because of the 
shortage of sodium thiopental - one drug used 
in the three-drug injection, states have begun to 
use one drug, pentobarbital, even though "the 
drug's manufacturer argues against its use in 
capital punishment."  Some states are now 
swapping drugs to be ready for their executions.

Stays of Execution


5	Cleve Foster		Texas
5	Daniel Wayne Cook	Arizona
6	Wayne Kubsch		Indiana


29	Eric King		Arizona 	
	Lethal Injection 
	3-drug w/sodium thiopental

31	William Glenn Boyd	Alabama	
	Lethal Injection 
	3-drug w/sodium thiopental


12	Clarence Carter	Ohio		
	Lethal Injection 
	1-drug pentobarbital

UAs     25
DP       4
Total   29
To add your letters to the total contact                                                                                                      

Amnesty International Group 22
The Caltech Y
Mail Code 5-62
Pasadena, CA 91125