Group 22

Click on an item to go directly to that page:

Upcoming Events


Current News (PDF)

Prisoner of Conscience
Narges Mohammadi

Prisoner of Conscience
Gao Zhisheng

Rights Readers: Human Rights Book Discussion Blog (2005-2015)

Book Group Archive 1999-2008

Tibetan Prayer Flag Project

Remembering Tiananmen (1989-1999)

S. Cal. Cluster

Group 22 "dresses up" and marches in the Doo Dah Parade to protest human trafficking (modern-day slavery).

Visit our Doo-Dah 2009 page for story and photos!

Our 2008 entry was Waterboardin' USA (photo at right). We've missed only three parades since 1998. See our Doo-Dah pages for 1998, 1999, 2005 and 2008. See our Facebook page (see sidebar) for pix of our 2011 entry.

Welcome to Amnesty International Group 22
in Pasadena, California

Group 22 is one of many local affiliates of Amnesty International USA, which in turn is the United States national section of the worldwide Amnesty International movement. Founded in 1961, AI works impartially for the release of all prisoners of conscience, fair and prompt trials for political prisoners, and an end to torture and executions (for further information, see the brief history and description and the text of the definition of human rights). Group 22 was established as both a registered student group at Caltech and a community local group for the Pasadena area. 

New members are always welcome!
Simply show up any of our events listed below. Our monthly meetings or letter-writing sessions are especially good places to start. See the map for directions.
See below. Regular meetings were replaced by virtual online sessions during Covid pandemic.

For further information contact:

AI Group 22 Letter Writing for September will be in-person or online; see below. Book Discussion will be online.

Tuesday, September 10, 7:30-9 pm. If possible, Group 22 Letter-writing will be in-person, outdoors at the Rath al Fresco on the Caltech campus in Pasadena.
Group 22 coordinator Kathy for information about attending in-person or a Zoom link if the meeting will be online.
Current Urgent Actions selected for Group 22 Letter Writing
You can always write letters for Urgent Actions on your own: go to
Check the Amnesty USA home page for current online actions.

Sunday, September 22, 6:30 pm. Human Rights Book Discussion Group (changed from September 15)
Note: Our August meeting was cancelled, so we decided to postpone discussion of our August selection to the September meeting.

Our August/September selection is "On Java Road: A Novel" by Lawrence Osborne.
Kirkus Review calls it "An atmospheric thriller set in a Hong Kong convulsed by student protests and China's heavy-handed response to them circa 2019".
Kirkus goes on to say,"The book is like a whodunit turned inside out, with what might usually be background - the precisely and evocatively drawn setting, especially - at center and the plot mostly crowding in around the edges. Hong Kong comes fiercely alive on the page."
If you are interested in the book discussion, please contact or Group 22 coordinator Kathy in order to receive an invitation to the Zoom session.

Current News
Latest news update was sent December 2, 2022. Update_12-02-2022.pdf
Past Newsletters and Updates

Current AI Actions and Campaigns in which we are involved:

  • Prisoner of Conscience in Iran Narges Mohammadi.
    Narges was released from prison on 8 October 2020!
    But on 16 November 2021 she was again imprisoned to serve new sentence!

    Group 22 began to work on her case in September 2015. See our Facebook album of our 2016 rally for Narges on April 21 (her birthday).
  • Prisoner of Conscience in China Gao Zhisheng. Amnesty reopened the case file for human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who has been missing since August 2017, and Group 22 resumed our work for him.
  • The campaign to abolish the death penalty
  • The campaign for Security with Human Rights.  
  • Human Rights in China.

Past AI Actions and Campaigns in which we were involved:

Related Information

Other Human Rights Groups in the Pasadena Area

Please note that listing of a link to a non-AI site is not an endorsement of its contents by Amnesty International.

Hits since January 27, 2000
This Amnesty International Groups Ring site owned by Caltech/Pasadena AI Group 22.
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