Paul's Get-Well Song

Paul, we bet the last time you were out from lab so long,
Carter was in office and the Bee Gees had hit songs.
We wrote this tune to let you know that we’ve not gone astray
‘cause anarchy’s not fun without you here to lead the way.

Ping found worms are more tempting to fungi that are lean,
Meenakshi had the flu but now she’s labeling protein.
The new virtual worm is really something to behold,
Andrea writes her thesis while her plates are growing mold.

“And it’s great, great, great’; we miss those magic words,
without the ‘great, great, great’, we’re just worm-picking nerds.
So get well soon, then give us a kick-start.
Bring the ‘great, great’ back and the lab won’t fall apart.

The golf course way in Downey finally gave Adler a key;
he and I are working on something you’ve got to see:
Their artificial cricket, which is based on an Arduino,
is a masterpiece, yes something that truly must be seen-o.

They keep curating data down in Church 64
but as fast as its curated, somebody finds some more
I hear that they’ve been working hard on the new OA
they say that when you check it out, it’s gonna make your day.

“It’s just great, great, great’; we miss those magic words,
without the ‘great, great, great’, we’re worm-curating nerds.
So get well soon, then give us a kick-start.
Bring the ‘great, great’ back and WormBase won’t fall apart.

To figure out the circuits that relay ascarosides
I’m lucky that Anusha’s great talents are applied.
She records from CEM when the male can smell a mate
(He thinks he’s meeting girls but it’s only ascr-8).

Mihoko sifts through thousands of genes in the linker cell
While Erich tries to negotiate a position at Cornell
Dan has joined the lab and to Merja we’ve said goodbye;
But the other Finn will be back again & so we’ll drink good wine.

“It’s just great, great, great’; we miss those magic words,
without the ‘great, great, great’, we’re just worm-picking nerds.
So get well soon, then give us a kick-start.
Bring the ‘great, great’ back and the lab won’t fall apart.

For signatures and board meetings, they all ask for Paul,
Mary tells them he’s not gonna make that conference call.
It seems that everybody’s asking for a reference letter
but she tells them no, they’ll just have to wait till he gets better.

So donʼt you worry boss; everythingʼs as usual here -
the worms, the lounge, the chaos, wormbase and wine and beer.
We want you to feel better as we send you cheers and greetings
especially from the ones who were supposed to give lab meetings.

And it’s ‘great, great, great’; we miss those magic words,
without the ‘great, great, great’, we’re just worm-loving nerds.
So get well soon, then give us a kick-start…
Bring the ‘great, great’ back and things won’t fall apart!