11/21/99: Netters harder than rock

PRN-Geology 2-0 (Hideo, 30'; Peter, 45')

(From our correspondent Michel de la Valleé-Noire) Caltech, Pasadena. In a heartening demonstration of solidity and resolve, Netters beat Geology 2-0 on Sunday in a fast, intense, and enjoyable game. PRN fans everywhere in the world have good reason to rejoice, for the rainy days are over! There were reasons to believe that it could be so: a quick survey of the team, before the game, showed that all the key players were in place, while the bench could provide some useful substitutions, after weeks of barely making a full line-up. But even more importantly, the eyes of all Netters sparkled with resolution and betrayed an urgent, aching desire to show the world their worth. And so they did!, even against Geology, who ranked first in the scoreboard and could count on some considerable talent in their lines.

The match started with Captain Bill once again between the posts, this time due to an injury; yet his spotless performance, including a dazzling flying save, and above all the incitation and guidance that he gave to the team, surely earn him the title of MVP for this game. Marc's defense was solid and reliable; the midfielders provided excellent filter, and a fine support to the forwards, who were effective in keeping control of the ball to give the team some respite.

The first goal came at the end of a period that saw Netters' architectures become progressively steadier and sounder, while Geology's forwards were seldom dangerous. Hideo scored on a surprise kick from the left field just outside the opponents' penalty area. Kudos to him for his intuition and promptness. During the half-time break, Netters summoned their determination and focused on the task of containing Geology's reaction, which luckily showed little coordination if much combativeness. Netters' merit overcame Geology's unfocusedness, and chastised it with a second goal on a break-away that Peter skillfully delivered into the net.

Altogether, what Netters had on Sunday was a splendid and resounding victory, that instantly erased weeks of frustration and made PRN's prospects for the future look very bright (if not for this fall season, then for the much more important winter-spring competition). Maybe LA Galaxy, whose Sunday game turned out very differently, might want to take a look at these purple players!

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