10/10/1999: Netters beat Aero, defy sun

(From our correspondent Michel de la Vallée-noire) Caltech, Pasadena. Under a scorching sun that made their purple jerseys look even purpler, the renewed PRN made a strong showing today in an exhibition game against Aero, the standing champions. At the end of the game, the various Netters who had played goalie (there is still uncertainty as to whom coach Bill will pick for this crucial role) were still undefeated, while Aero's goal had been violated five times.

There were some new faces among the Netters: these new acquisitions were eager to prove there value, and so they did: Jessica was a dependable midfielder, Rob a strong but debonair defensive bulwark, Peter a dazzling dribbler. The old glories were not less effective: Marc swept all the sweepable, Michele made up with experience for his lacking physical condition, Mike was unrelenting; Doug valiantly occupied the midfield, Yuri orchestrated many plays; Hideo, back from a season in the East Coast leagues, scored some, and Eichi came home with his usual handful of goals, but they might have been many more, had he not insisted on beauty as much as impregnability. Finally, Bill was at his usual levels, a bane for enemy fullbacks or forwards alike.

A good start, indeed. We'll see the Netters again next week in the first game of the season, and then things will be for real. But still, they were a very nice sight today.

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