The Excel 2000 Easter Egg-- Dev Hunter

Oh, no, Bill Gates' cronies have taken over the highways of Seattle! You, Dev Hunter, must hunt down and eliminate Microsoft's software developers before they monopolize all the main thoroughfares. Armed with machine guns, oil slicks, and your trusty car, you are ready to hit the road, but before you begin, you need Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components, IE 4.x or later, and DirectX.

How to Play

  1. Go to the Excel worksheet at the bottom of this page.
  2. Page down or scroll down until you find row 2000.
  3. Locate column WC.
  4. Click on cell (2000, WC).
  5. Highlight the entire row by pressing SPACE-SHIFT.
  6. Holding down CTRL-ALT-SHIFT, left-click on the Office logo in the upper left corner on the Excel image.
  7. The full-screen game Dev Hunter will start.
  8. Go play!


Up arrow: accelerate
Down arrow: decelerate
Left/Right arrows: maneuver left or right
O: release oil slick
SPACE: fire machine guns
H: toggle headlights on or off
ESC: exit game

To use this Web page interactively, you must have Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.01 or later and the Microsoft Office Web Components.  See the Microsoft Office Web site for more information.