Source code for USRP_connections

##                                                                                    ##
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import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
import signal as Signal
import h5py
import sys
import struct
import json
import os
import socket
import Queue
from Queue import Empty
from threading import Thread, Condition
import multiprocessing
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from subprocess import call
import time
import gc
import datetime

# plotly stuff
from plotly.graph_objs import Scatter, Layout
from plotly import tools
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly
import colorlover as cl

# matplotlib stuff
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

# needed to print the data acquisition process
import progressbar

# import submodules
from USRP_low_level import *
from USRP_files import *

[docs]def reinit_data_socket(): ''' Reinitialize the data network socket. :return: None ''' global USRP_data_socket USRP_data_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) USRP_data_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
[docs]def reinit_async_socket(): ''' Reinitialize the command network socket. :return: None ''' global USRP_socket USRP_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) USRP_socket.settimeout(1) USRP_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
[docs]def clean_data_queue(USRP_data_queue=USRP_data_queue): ''' Clean the USRP_data_queue from residual elements. returns the number of element found in the queue. Returns: - Integer number of packets removed from the queue. ''' print_debug("Cleaning data queue... ") residual_packets = 0 while (True): try: meta_data, data = USRP_data_queue.get(timeout=0.1) residual_packets += 1 except Empty: break print_debug("Queue cleaned of " + str(residual_packets) + " packets.") return residual_packets
[docs]def Packets_to_file(parameters, timeout=None, filename=None, dpc_expected=None, push_queue = None, trigger = None, **kwargs): ''' Consume the USRP_data_queue and writes an H5 file on disk. :param parameters: global_parameter object containing the informations used to drive the GPU server. :param timeout: time after which the function stops and tries to stop the server. :param filename: eventual filename. Default is datetime. :param dpc_expected: number of sample per channel expected. if given display a percentage progressbar. :param push_queue: external queue where to push data and metadata :param trigger: trigger class (see section on trigger function for deteails) :return filename or empty string if something went wrong Note: - if the \"End of measurement\" async signal is received from the GPU server the timeout mode becomes active. ''' global dynamic_alloc_warning push_queue_warning = False def write_ext_H5_packet(metadata, data, h5fp, index, trigger = None): ''' Write a single packet inside an already opened and formatted H5 file as an ordered dataset. Arguments: - metadata: the metadata describing the packet directly coming from the GPU sevrer. - data: the data to be written inside the dataset. - dataset: file pointer to the h5 file. extensible dataset has to be already created. - index: dictionary containg the accumulated length of the dataset. - trigger: trigger class. (see trigger section for more info) Notes: - The way this function write the packets inside the h5 file is strictly related to the metadata type in decribed in USRP_server_setting.hpp as RX_wrapper struct. ''' global dynamic_alloc_warning dev_name = "raw_data" + str(int(metadata['usrp_number'])) group_name = metadata['front_end_code'] samples_per_channel = metadata['length'] / metadata['channels'] dataset = h5fp[dev_name][group_name]["data"] errors = h5fp[dev_name][group_name]["errors"] data_shape = np.shape(dataset) data_start = index data_end = data_start + samples_per_channel if ((trigger is not None) and (metadata['length']>0)): if trigger.trigger_control == "AUTO": trigger_dataset = h5fp[dev_name][group_name]["trigger"] current_len_trigger = len(trigger_dataset) trigger_dataset.resize(current_len_trigger+1,0) trigger_dataset[current_len_trigger] = index try: if data_shape[0] < metadata['channels']: print_warning("Main dataset in H5 file not initialized.") dataset.resize(metadata['channels'], 0) if data_end > data_shape[1]: if dynamic_alloc_warning: print_warning("Main dataset in H5 file not correctly sized. Dynamically extending dataset...") # print_debug("File writing thread is dynamically extending datasets.") dynamic_alloc_warning = False dataset.resize(data_end, 1) packet = np.reshape(data, (samples_per_channel,metadata['channels'])).T dataset[:, data_start:data_end] = packet dataset.attrs.__setitem__("samples", data_end) if data_start == 0: dataset.attrs.__setitem__("start_epoch", time.time()) if metadata['errors'] != 0: print_warning("The server encounterd an error") err_shape = np.shape(errors) err_len = err_shape[1] if err_shape[0] == 0: errors.resize(2, 0) errors.resize(err_len + 1, 1) errors[:, err_len] = [data_start, data_end] except RuntimeError as err: print_error("A packet has not been written because of a problem: " + str(err)) def write_single_H5_packet(metadata, data, h5fp): ''' Write a single packet inside an already opened and formatted H5 file as an ordered dataset. Arguments: - metadata: the metadata describing the packet directly coming from the GPU sevrer. - data: the data to be written inside the dataset. - h5fp: already opened, with wite permission and group created h5 file pointer. Returns: - Nothing Notes: - The way this function write the packets inside the h5 file is strictly related to the metadata type in decribed in USRP_server_setting.hpp as RX_wrapper struct. ''' dev_name = "raw_data" + str(int(metadata['usrp_number'])) group_name = metadata['front_end_code'] dataset_name = "dataset_" + str(int(metadata['packet_number'])) try: ds = h5fp[dev_name][group_name].create_dataset( dataset_name, data=np.reshape(data, (metadata['channels'], metadata['length'] / metadata['channels'])) # compression = H5PY_compression ) ds.attrs.create(name="errors", data=metadata['errors']) if metadata['errors'] != 0: print_warning("The server encounterd a transmission error: " + str(metadata['errors'])) except RuntimeError as err: print_error("A packet has not been written because of a problem: " + str(err)) def create_h5_file(filename): ''' Tries to open a h5 file without overwriting files with the same name. If the file already exists rename it and then create the file. Arguments: - String containing the name of the file. Returns: - Pointer to rhe opened file in write mode. ''' filename = filename.split(".")[0] try: h5file = h5py.File(filename + ".h5", 'r') h5file.close() except IOError: try: h5file = h5py.File(filename + ".h5", 'w') return h5file except IOError as msg: print_error("Cannot create the file " + filename + ".h5:") print msg return "" else: print_warning( "Filename " + filename + ".h5 is already present in the folder, adding old(#)_ to the filename") count = 0 while True: new_filename = "old(" + str(int(count)) + ")_" + filename + ".h5" try: test = h5py.File(new_filename, 'r') tets.close() except IOError: os.rename(filename + ".h5", new_filename) return open_h5_file(filename) else: count += 1 global USRP_data_queue, END_OF_MEASURE, EOM_cond, CLIENT_STATUS more_sample_than_expected_WARNING = True accumulated_timeout = 0 sleep_time = 0.1 acquisition_end_flag = False # this variable discriminate between a timeout condition generated # on purpose to wait the queue and one reached because of an error legit_off = False if filename == None: filename = "USRP_DATA_" + get_timestamp() print "Writing data on disk with filename: \"" + filename + ".h5\"" H5_file_pointer = create_h5_file(str(filename)) Param_to_H5(H5_file_pointer, parameters, trigger, **kwargs) allowed_counters = ['A_RX2','B_RX2'] spc_acc = {} for fr_counter in allowed_counters: if parameters.parameters[fr_counter] != 'OFF': spc_acc[fr_counter] = 0 CLIENT_STATUS["measure_running_now"] = True if dpc_expected is not None: widgets = [progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar()] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_value=dpc_expected) else: widgets = ['', progressbar.Counter('Samples per channel received: %(value)05d'), ' Client time elapsed: ', progressbar.Timer(), ''] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets) data_warning = True bar.start() while (not acquisition_end_flag): try: meta_data, data = USRP_data_queue.get(timeout=0.1) # USRP_data_queue.task_done() accumulated_timeout = 0 if meta_data == None: acquisition_end_flag = True else: # write_single_H5_packet(meta_data, data, H5_file_pointer) if trigger is not None: data, meta_data = trigger.trigger(data, meta_data) write_ext_H5_packet(meta_data, data, H5_file_pointer, spc_acc[meta_data['front_end_code']], trigger = trigger) if push_queue is not None: if not push_queue_warning: try: push_queue.put((meta_data, data)) except: print_warning("Cannot push packets into external queue: %s"%str(sys.exc_info()[0])) push_queue_warning = True spc_acc[meta_data['front_end_code']] += meta_data['length'] / meta_data['channels'] try: #print "max expected: %d total received %d"%(dpc_expected, spc_acc) bar.update(spc_acc[meta_data['front_end_code']]) except: if data_warning: if dpc_expected is not None: bar.update(dpc_expected) if (more_sample_than_expected_WARNING): print_warning("Sync rx is receiving more data than expected...") more_sample_than_expected_WARNING = False data_warning = False except Empty: time.sleep(sleep_time) if timeout: accumulated_timeout += sleep_time if accumulated_timeout > timeout: if not legit_off: print_warning("Sync data receiver timeout condition reached. Closing file...") acquisition_end_flag = True break if CLIENT_STATUS["keyboard_disconnect"] == True: Disconnect() acquisition_end_flag = True CLIENT_STATUS["keyboard_disconnect"] = False try: bar.update(spc_acc[meta_data['front_end_code']]) except NameError: pass except: if (more_sample_than_expected_WARNING): print_debug("Sync RX received more data than expected.") EOM_cond.acquire() if END_OF_MEASURE: timeout = .5 legit_off = True EOM_cond.release() bar.finish() EOM_cond.acquire() END_OF_MEASURE = False EOM_cond.release() if clean_data_queue() != 0: print_warning("Residual elements in the libUSRP data queue are being lost!") H5_file_pointer.close() print "\033[7;1;32mH5 file closed succesfully.\033[0m" CLIENT_STATUS["measure_running_now"] = False return filename
[docs]def USRP_socket_bind(USRP_socket, server_address, timeout): """ Binds a soket object with a server address. Trys untill timeout seconds elaplsed. Args: - USRP_socket: socket object to bind with the address tuple. - server_address: a tuple containing a string with the ip address and a int representing the port. - timeout: timeout in seconds to wait for connection. Known bugs: - On some linux distribution once on two attempts the connection is denied by software. On third attempt however it connects. Returns: - True: if connection was succesfull. - False if no connection was established. Examples: >>> if(USRP_socket_bind(USRP_data_socket, USRP_server_address_data, 5)): # do stuff with function in this library >>> else: >>> print "No connection, check hardware and configs." Notes: - This method will only connect one soket to the USRP/GPU server, not data and async messages. This function is intended to be used in higher level functions contained in this library. The correct methot for connecting to USRP/GPU server is the use of USERP_Connect(timeout) function. """ if timeout < 0: print_warning("No GPU server connection established after timeout.") return False else: try: USRP_socket.connect(server_address) return True except socket.error as msg: print(("Socket binding " + str(msg) + ", " + "Retrying...")) return False USRP_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) USRP_socket.settimeout(1) USRP_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) time.sleep(1) timeout = timeout - 1 return USRP_socket_bind(USRP_socket, server_address, timeout)
[docs]def Decode_Sync_Header(raw_header, CLIENT_STATUS=CLIENT_STATUS): ''' Decode an async header containing the metadata of the packet. Return: - The metadata in dictionary form. Arguments: - The raww header as a string (as returned by the recv() method of socket). ''' def decode_frontend(code): return { 'A': "A_TXRX", 'B': "A_RX2", 'C': "B_TXRX", 'D': "B_RX2" }[code] try: header = np.fromstring(raw_header, dtype=header_type, count=1) metadata = {} metadata['usrp_number'] = header[0]['usrp_number'] metadata['front_end_code'] = decode_frontend(header[0]['front_end_code']) metadata['packet_number'] = header[0]['packet_number'] metadata['length'] = header[0]['length'] metadata['errors'] = header[0]['errors'] metadata['channels'] = header[0]['channels'] return metadata except ValueError: if CLIENT_STATUS["keyboard_disconnect"] == False: print_error("Received corrupted header. No recover method has been implemented.") return None
def Print_Sync_Header(header): print "usrp_number" + str(header['usrp_number']) print "front_end_code" + str(header['front_end_code']) print "packet_number" + str(header['packet_number']) print "length" + str(header['length']) print "errors" + str(header['errors']) print "channels" + str(header['channels'])
[docs]def Decode_Async_header(header): ''' Extract the length of an async message from the header of an async package incoming from the GPU server''' header = np.fromstring(header, dtype=np.int32, count=2) if header[0] == 0: return header[1] else: return 0
[docs]def Decode_Async_payload(message): ''' Decode asynchronous payloads coming from the GPU server ''' global ERROR_STATUS, END_OF_MEASURE, REMOTE_FILENAME, EOM_cond try: res = json.loads(message) except ValueError: print_warning("Cannot decode response from server.") return try: atype = res['type'] except KeyError: print_warning("Unexpected json string from the server: type") # print "FROM SERVER: "+str(res['payload']) if atype == 'ack': if res['payload'].find("EOM") != -1: print_debug("Async message from server: Measure finished") EOM_cond.acquire() END_OF_MEASURE = True EOM_cond.release() elif res['payload'].find("filename") != -1: REMOTE_FILENAME = res['payload'].split("\"")[1] else: print_debug("Ack message received from the server: " + str(res['payload'])) if atype == 'nack': print_warning("Server detected an error.") ERROR_STATUS = True EOM_cond.acquire() END_OF_MEASURE = True EOM_cond.release()
[docs]def Encode_async_message(payload): ''' Format a JSON string so that the GPU server can read it. Arguments: - payload: A JSON string. Returns: - A formatted string ready to be sent via socket method Note: This function performs no check on the validity of the JSON string. ''' return struct.pack('I', 0) + struct.pack('I', len(payload)) + payload
[docs]def Async_send(payload): ''' Send a JSON string to the GPU server. Typically the JSON string represent a command or a status request. Arguments: -payload: JSON formatted string. Returns: -Boolean value representing the success of the operation. Note: In order to use this function the Async_thread has to be up and running. See Start_Async_RX(). ''' global Async_condition global Async_status global USRP_socket if (Async_status): # send the data try: USRP_socket.send(Encode_async_message(payload)) except socket.error as err: print_warning("An async message could not be sent due to an error: " + str(err)) if err.errno == 32: print_error("Async server disconnected") Async_condition.acquire() Async_status = False Async_condition.release() return False return True else: print_warning("The Async RX thread is not running, cannot send Async message.") return False
[docs]def Async_thread(): '''Receiver thread for async messages from the GPU server. This function is ment to be run as a thread''' global Async_condition global Async_status global USRP_socket global USRP_server_address internal_status = True Async_status = False # the header iscomposed by two ints: one is always 0 and the other represent the length of the payload header_size = 2 * 4 # just initialization of variables old_header_len = 0 old_data_len = 0 # try to connect, if it fails set internal status to False (close the thread) Async_condition.acquire() # if(not USRP_socket_bind(USRP_socket, USRP_server_address, 5)): time_elapsed = 0 timeout = 10 # sys.maxint data_timeout_wait = 0.01 connected = False while time_elapsed < timeout and (not connected): try: print_debug("Async command thread:") connected = USRP_socket_bind(USRP_socket, USRP_server_address, 7) time.sleep(1) time_elapsed += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print_warning("Keyboard interrupt aborting connection...") break if not connected: internal_status = False Async_status = False print_warning("Async data connection failed") Async_condition.release() else: Async_status = True print_debug("Async data connected") Async_condition.release() # acquisition loop while (internal_status): # counter used to prevent the API to get stuck on sevrer shutdown data_timeout_counter = 0 data_timeout_limit = 5 header_timeout_limit = 5 header_timeout_counter = 0 header_timeout_wait = 0.1 # lock the "mutex" for checking the state of the main API instance Async_condition.acquire() if Async_status == False: internal_status = False Async_condition.release() size = 0 if (internal_status): header_data = "" try: while (len(header_data) < header_size) and internal_status: header_timeout_counter += 1 header_data += USRP_socket.recv(min(header_size, header_size - len(header_data))) if old_header_len != len(header_data): header_timeout_counter = 0 if (header_timeout_counter > header_timeout_limit): time.sleep(header_timeout_wait) Async_condition.acquire() if Async_status == False: internal_status = False # print internal_status Async_condition.release() old_header_len = len(header_data) # general timer time.sleep(.1) if (internal_status): size = Decode_Async_header(header_data) except socket.error as msg: if msg.errno != None: print_error("Async header: " + str(msg)) Async_condition.acquire() internal_status = False Async_status = False Async_condition.release() if (internal_status and size > 0): data = "" try: while (len(data) < size) and internal_status: data_timeout_counter += 1 data += USRP_socket.recv(min(size, size - len(data))) if old_data_len != len(data): data_timeout_counter = 0 if (data_timeout_counter > data_timeout_limit): time.sleep(data_timeout_wait) Async_condition.acquire() if Async_status == False: internal_status = False Async_condition.release() old_data_len = len(data) if (internal_status): Decode_Async_payload(data) except socket.error as msg: if msg.errno == 4: pass # the ctrl-c exception is handled elsewhere elif msg.errno != None: print_error("Async thread: " + str(msg)) Async_condition.acquire() internal_status = False Async_status = False Async_condition.release() print_warning("Async connection is down: " + msg) USRP_socket.shutdown(1) USRP_socket.close() del USRP_socket gc.collect()
Async_RX_loop = Thread(target=Async_thread, name="Async_RX", args=(), kwargs={}) Async_RX_loop.daemon = True
[docs]def Wait_for_async_connection(timeout=None): ''' Block until async thead has established a connection with the server or the thread is expired. In case a timeout value is given, returns after timeout if no connection is established before. Arguments: - timeout: Second to wait for connection. Default is infinite timeout Return: - boolean representing the sucess of the operation. ''' global Async_condition global Async_status time_elapsed = 0 if timeout is None: timeout = sys.maxint try: while time_elapsed < timeout: Async_condition.acquire() x = Async_status Async_condition.release() time.sleep(1) if x: break else: time_elapsed += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print_warning("keyboard interrupt received. Closing connections.") return False return x
[docs]def Wait_for_sync_connection(timeout=None): ''' Block until async thead has established a connection with the server or the thread is expired. In case a timeout value is given, returns after timeout if no connection is established before. Arguments: - timeout: Second to wait for connection. Default is infinite timeout Return: - boolean representing the sucess of the operation. ''' global Sync_RX_condition global CLIENT_STATUS time_elapsed = 0 x = False if timeout is None: timeout = sys.maxint try: while time_elapsed < timeout: Sync_RX_condition.acquire() x = CLIENT_STATUS['Sync_RX_status'] Sync_RX_condition.release() time.sleep(1) if x: break else: time_elapsed += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print_warning("keyboard interrupt received. Closing connections.") return False return x
[docs]def Start_Async_RX(): '''Start the Aswync thread. See Async_thread() function for a more detailed explanation.''' global Async_RX_loop reinit_async_socket() try: Async_RX_loop.start() except RuntimeError: Async_RX_loop = Thread(target=Async_thread, name="Async_RX", args=(), kwargs={}) Async_RX_loop.daemon = True Async_RX_loop.start()
# print "Async RX thread launched"
[docs]def Stop_Async_RX(): '''Stop the Async thread. See Async_thread() function for a more detailed explanation.''' global Async_RX_loop, Async_condition, Async_status Async_condition.acquire() print_line("Closing Async RX thread...") Async_status = False Async_condition.release() Async_RX_loop.join() print_line("Async RX stopped")
[docs]def Connect(timeout=None): ''' Connect both, the Syncronous and Asynchronous communication service. Returns: - True if both services are connected, False otherwise. Arguments: - the timeout in seconds. Default is retry forever. ''' ret = True try: Start_Sync_RX() # ret &= Wait_for_sync_connection(timeout = 10) Start_Async_RX() ret &= Wait_for_async_connection(timeout=10) except KeyboardInterrupt: print_warning("keyboard interrupt received. Closing connections.") exit() return ret
[docs]def Disconnect(blocking=True): ''' Disconnect both, the Syncronous and Asynchronous communication service. Returns: - True if both services are connected, False otherwise. Arguments: - define if the call is blocking or not. Default is blocking. ''' Stop_Async_RX() Stop_Sync_RX()
def force_ternimate(): global Sync_RX_loop, Async_RX_loop Sync_RX_loop.terminate()
[docs]def Sync_RX(CLIENT_STATUS, Sync_RX_condition, USRP_data_queue): ''' Thread that recive data from the TCP data streamer of the GPU server and loads each packet in the data queue USRP_data_queue. The format of the data is specified in a subfunction fill_queue() and consist in a tuple containing (metadata,data). Note: This funtion is ment to be a standalone thread handled via the functions Start_Sync_RX() and Stop_Sync_RX(). ''' # global Sync_RX_condition # global Sync_RX_status global USRP_data_socket global USRP_server_address_data # global USRP_data_queue header_size = 5 * 4 + 1 acc_recv_time = [] cycle_time = [] # use to pass stuff in the queue without reference def fill_queue(meta_data, dat, USRP_data_queue=USRP_data_queue): meta_data_tmp = meta_data dat_tmp = dat USRP_data_queue.put((meta_data_tmp, dat_tmp)) # try to connect, if it fails set internal status to False (close the thread) # Sync_RX_condition.acquire() # if(not USRP_socket_bind(USRP_data_socket, USRP_server_address_data, 7)): time_elapsed = 0 timeout = 10 # sys.maxint connected = False # try: while time_elapsed < timeout and (not connected): print_debug("RX sync data thread:") connected = USRP_socket_bind(USRP_data_socket, USRP_server_address_data, 7) time.sleep(1) time_elapsed += 1 if not connected: internal_status = False CLIENT_STATUS['Sync_RX_status'] = False print_warning("RX data sync connection failed.") else: print_debug("RX data sync connected.") internal_status = True CLIENT_STATUS['Sync_RX_status'] = True # Sync_RX_condition.release() # acquisition loop start_total = time.time() while (internal_status): start_cycle = time.time() # counter used to prevent the API to get stuck on sevrer shutdown data_timeout_counter = 0 data_timeout_limit = 5 # (seconds) header_timeout_limit = 5 header_timeout_counter = 0 header_timeout_wait = 0.01 # lock the "mutex" for checking the state of the main API instance # Sync_RX_condition.acquire() if CLIENT_STATUS['Sync_RX_status'] == False: CLIENT_STATUS['Sync_RX_status'] = False # print internal_status # Sync_RX_condition.release() if (internal_status): header_data = "" try: old_header_len = 0 header_timeout_counter = 0 while (len(header_data) < header_size) and internal_status: header_timeout_counter += 1 header_data += USRP_data_socket.recv(min(header_size, header_size - len(header_data))) if old_header_len != len(header_data): header_timeout_counter = 0 if (header_timeout_counter > header_timeout_limit): time.sleep(header_timeout_wait) # Sync_RX_condition.acquire() if CLIENT_STATUS['Sync_RX_status'] == False: internal_status = False # print internal_status # Sync_RX_condition.release() old_header_len = len(header_data) if (len(header_data) == 0): time.sleep(0.001) except socket.error as msg: if msg.errno == 4: pass # message is handled elsewhere elif msg.errno == 107: print_debug("Interface connected too soon. This bug has not been covere yet.") else: print_error("Sync thread: " + str(msg) + " error number is " + str(msg.errno)) # Sync_RX_condition.acquire() internal_status = False # Sync_RX_condition.release() if (internal_status): metadata = Decode_Sync_Header(header_data) if (not metadata): # Sync_RX_condition.acquire() internal_status = False # Sync_RX_condition.release() # Print_Sync_Header(metadata) if (internal_status): data = "" try: old_len = 0 while ((old_len < 8 * metadata['length']) and internal_status): data += USRP_data_socket.recv(min(8 * metadata['length'], 8 * metadata['length'] - old_len)) if (len(data) == old_len): data_timeout_counter += 1 old_len = len(data) if data_timeout_counter > data_timeout_limit: print_error("Tiemout condition reached for buffer acquisition") internal_status = False except socket.error as msg: print_error(msg) internal_status = False if (internal_status): try: formatted_data = np.fromstring(data[:], dtype=data_type, count=metadata['length']) except ValueError: print_error("Packet number " + str(metadata['packet_number']) + " has a length of " + str( len(data) / float(8)) + "/" + str(metadata['length'])) internal_status = False else: # USRP_data_queue.put((metadata,formatted_data)) fill_queue(metadata, formatted_data) ''' except KeyboardInterrupt: print_warning("Keyboard interrupt aborting connection...") internal_status = False CLIENT_STATUS['Sync_RX_status'] = False ''' try: USRP_data_socket.shutdown(1) USRP_data_socket.close() del USRP_data_socket gc.collect() except socket.error: print_warning("Sounds like the server was down when the API tried to close the connection")
# print "Sync client thread id down" Sync_RX_loop = multiprocessing.Process(target=Sync_RX, name="Sync_RX", args=(CLIENT_STATUS, Sync_RX_condition, USRP_data_queue), kwargs={}) Sync_RX_loop.daemon = True def signal_handler(sig, frame): if CLIENT_STATUS["measure_running_now"]: if CLIENT_STATUS["keyboard_disconnect"] == False: print_warning('Got Ctrl+C, Disconnecting and saving last chunk of data.') CLIENT_STATUS["keyboard_disconnect"] = True CLIENT_STATUS["keyboard_disconnect_attemp"] = 0 else: print_debug("Already disconnecting...") CLIENT_STATUS["keyboard_disconnect_attemp"] += 1 if CLIENT_STATUS["keyboard_disconnect_attemp"] > 2: print_warning("Forcing quit") force_ternimate(); exit(); else: force_ternimate(); exit(); Signal.signal(Signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) def Start_Sync_RX(): global Sync_RX_loop, USRP_data_socket, USRP_data_queue try: try: del USRP_data_socket reinit_data_socket() USRP_data_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() except socket.error as msg: print msg pass Sync_RX_loop = multiprocessing.Process(target=Sync_RX, name="Sync_RX", args=(CLIENT_STATUS, Sync_RX_condition, USRP_data_queue), kwargs={}) Sync_RX_loop.daemon = True Sync_RX_loop.start() except RuntimeError: print_warning("Falling back to threading interface for Sync RX thread. Network could be slow") Sync_RX_loop = Thread(target=Sync_RX, name="Sync_RX", args=(), kwargs={}) Sync_RX_loop.daemon = True Sync_RX_loop.start() def Stop_Sync_RX(CLIENT_STATUS=CLIENT_STATUS): global Sync_RX_loop, Sync_RX_condition # Sync_RX_condition.acquire() print_line("Closing Sync RX thread...") # print_line(" reading "+str(CLIENT_STATUS['Sync_RX_status'])+" from thread.. ") CLIENT_STATUS['Sync_RX_status'] = False time.sleep(.1) # Sync_RX_condition.release() # print "Process is alive? "+str(Sync_RX_loop.is_alive()) if Sync_RX_loop.is_alive(): Sync_RX_loop.terminate() # I do not know why it's alive even if it exited all the loops # Sync_RX_loop.join(timeout = 5) print "Sync RX stopped"