Matilde Marcolli: SURFers
SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships) is a research opportunity
program for undergraduates at Caltech. For more information, or if you are interested in a SURF project in this research area, please consult
the SURF page of Caltech.
SURFers 2009
- Daniel Kolodrubetz: RGE flow in Noncommutative Cosmology
- pdf Boundary conditions of the RGE flow in the noncommutative geometry approach to particle physics and cosmology (Daniel Kolodrubetz and Matilde Marcolli)
Physics Letters B 693 (2010) 166-174
- Domenic Denicola: Loop quantum gravity and Noncommutative Geometry
- pdf Spin foams and noncommutative geometry (Domenic Denicola, Matilde Marcolli and Ahmad Zainy al-Yasry) Classical and Quantum Gravity 27 (2010) 205025 (53pp)
SURFers 2010
- Tanvir Ahamed Bhuyain: Ricci flow in noncommutative geometry
- pdf The Ricci flow on noncommutative two-tori (Tanvir Ahamed Bhuyain
and Matilde Marcolli) Letters in Mathematical Physics,
Vol.101 (2012) N.2, 173-194
- Christopher Estrada: Spectral action, noncommutative tori, and chaotic cosmology
- pdf Noncommutative mixmaster cosmologies (Christopher Estrada and Matilde
Marcolli) International Journal of Geometric Methods in
Modern Physics, 10 (2013), no. 1, 1250086 [28 pages]
- Christopher Perez: Fractals and algebro-geometric codes
- pdf Codes as fractals and noncommutative spaces (Matilde Marcolli and
Christopher Perez) Mathematics in Computer Science, 6 (2012), no. 3, 199-215.
SURFers 2011
- Dori Bejleri: Quantum field theory and the field with one element
- pdf
Quantum field theory over F1 (Dori Bejleri and Matilde Marcolli)
Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol. 69 (2013) 40-59.
- Christopher Estrada: Noncommutative geometry and the Standard Model
pdf Asymptotic safety, hypergeometric functions and the Higgs
mass in spectral action models (Christopher Estrada and Matilde Marcolli)
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics,
Vol.10 (2013) N.7, 1350036 [30 pages]
- Jessica Su: Multivariate Tutte polynomials, Potts models and arithmetic
- pdf Arithmetic of Potts Model Hypersurfaces (Matilde Marcolli and Jessica Su)
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics,
Vol. 10, No. 4 (2013) 1350005 [22 pages]
- Ryan Thorngren: Entropy and the field with one element
- pdf Thermodynamic Semirings (Matilde Marcolli and Ryan Thorngren)
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, Vol.8 (2014) N.2, 337-392
Other (non-SURF) summer students
- Jonathan Paprocki (GeorgiaTech): Graph algebras and BPS state counting
SURFers 2012
- Colleen Delaney: Renormalization and computation
pdf Dyson-Schwinger equations in the theory of computation
(Colleen Delaney and Matilde Marcolli) in "Feynman Amplitudes, Periods, and Motives", Contemporary Mathematics, Vol.648 (2015) 79-107
- Mark Greenfield: Quantum statistical mechanical systems
and spectral triples
- pdf
Type III sigma-spectral triples and quantum statistical mechanical systems (Mark Greenfield, Matilde Marcolli, and Kevin Teh), p-adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications, Vol.6 (2014) N.2, 81-104
- Wade Hann-Caruthers: Potts models with external magnetic field
- Justin Khim: Noncommutative 3-tori and Random Surfaces
- Nicolas Tedeschi: The multifractal formalism in noncommutative geometry
pdf Multifractals, Mumford curves, and Eternal Inflation (Matilde
Marcolli and Nicolas Tedeschi) P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric
Analysis and Applications, Vol.6 (2014) N.2, 135-154
SURFers 2013
- Zhaorong Jin: endomotives and toric varieties
pdf Endomotives of Toric Varieties (Zhaorong Jin and Matilde Marcolli)
Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol. 77 (2014) 48-71
- Catharine Lo: Roots of unity and the field with one element
- pdf
F-zeta geometry, Tate motives, and the Habiro ring (Catharine Lo and
Matilde Marcolli) International Journal of Number Theory, 11 (2015),
no. 2, 311-339
- John Napp: Noncommutative geometry of anyon systems
pdf Quantum computation and real multiplication (Matilde Marcolli
and John Napp) Mathematics in Computer Science 9 (2015), no. 1, 63-84
- Nicolas Tedeschi: Entropy and algebraic renormalization
pdf Entropy algebras and Birkhoff factorization (Matilde Marcolli
and Nicolas Tedeschi) Journal of Geometry and Physics,
97 (2015), 243-265
Other (non-SURF) Caltech summer students
- Iulia Gheorghita: Path algebras and spectral triples
- Gjergji Zaimi: Frobenius manifolds in information geometry
SURFers 2014
- Adam Ball: Spectral action gravity of swiss cheese cosmology
- pdf
Spectral Action models of gravity on Packed Swiss Cheese Cosmology
(Adam Ball and Matilde Marcolli)
- Shival Dasu: Arithmetic of Potts models with magnetic field
- pdf Potts models with magnetic field: arithmetic, geometry, and computation
(Shival Dasu and Matilde Marcolli) Journal of Geometry and Physics,
97 (2015), 14-24
- Jace Marcinek: Noncommutative geometry of Tits buildings
- pdf KMS weight on higher rank buildings (Jake Marcinek and Matilde Marcolli)
to appear in P-adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications
- Matthew Morgan: Spin glass models in computational linguistics
- Alex Port: Graph Grammars and quantum field theory
- pdf Graph Grammars, insertion Lie algebras, and quantum field theory (Matilde
Marcolli and Alex Port) Mathematics in Computer Science: Volume 9, Issue 4
(2015) 391-408
Other (non-SURF) Caltech summer students
- Kyle Seipp: orbifold symmetric products and the fractional
quantum Hall effect
- pdf
Twisted index theory on orbifold symmetric products and the
fractional quantum Hall effect (Matilde Marcolli and Kyle Seipp)
SURFers 2015
- Yujie Xu: Quantum Statistical Mechanics of 3-manifolds
- pdf Quantum statistical mechanics in arithmetic topology
(Matilde Marcolli and Yujie Xu)
Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol. 114 (2017) 153-183
- Nick Zolman: Supersymmetry and Combinatorics
- pdf Adinkras, Dessins, Origami, and Supersymmetry Spectral Triples (Matilde Marcolli and Nick Zolman), p-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl. 11 (2019), no. 3, 223-247
- Marcus Bintz: Tropical Graph Hypersurfaces
- Preston Rasmussen: Geometric flows in Quantum Information
Other (non-SURF) summer students
- Ethan Torres: the Higgs portal and stability
in the Noncommutative Standard Model
SURFers 2016
- Kevin Shu: Syntactic Linguistic Phylogenetics
- pdf Syntactic Structures and Code Parameters (Kevin Shu and Matilde Marcolli) Mathematics in Computer Science, 11 (2017), no. 1, 79-90
- pdf
Phylogenetics of Indo-European Language families via an Algebro-Geometric Analysis of their Syntactic Structures
(Kevin Shu, Andrew Ortegaray, Robert C. Berwick, Matilde Marcolli) to appear in Mathematics in Computer Science
- pdf Syntactic Phylogenetic Trees (Kevin Shu, Sharjeel Aziz, Vy-Luan Huynh, David Warrick, Matilde Marcolli) in "Foundations of Mathematics and Physics one Century after Hilbert", Springer Verlag, 2018, pp. 417-441
- Yeorgia Kafkoulis: Multifractal Robertson-Walker Cosmologies
- pdf
Bell Polynomials and Brownian Bridge in Spectral Gravity Models on Multifractal Robertson-Walker Cosmologies
(Farzad Fathizadeh, Yeorgia Kafkoulis, Matilde Marcolli) Ann. Henri Poincare, 21 (2020), no. 4, 1329-1382
- Zhi Ren: q-Deformations of the Bost-Connes system
- pdf
q-deformations of statistical mechanical systems and motives over finite fields (Matilde Marcolli, Zhi Ren), p-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl. 9 (2017), no. 3, 204-227
SURFers 2017
- Andrew Ortegaray: Geometric Models of Syntax
- pdf
Phylogenetics of Indo-European Language families via an Algebro-Geometric Analysis of their Syntactic Structures
(Kevin Shu, Andrew Ortegaray, Robert C. Berwick, Matilde Marcolli) to appear in Mathematics in Computer Science
- pdf Heat Kernel analysis of Syntactic Structures
(Andrew Ortegaray, Robert C. Berwick, Matilde Marcolli) to appear in Mathematics in Computer Science
- Eitan Borgnia: Tutte Graph Embeddings and P-adic Holography
- Erik Herrera: Entropy of Spectral Triples
- Yeorgia Kafkoulis: Spectral Action of Apollonian Packings
- pdf
Bell Polynomials and Brownian Bridge in Spectral Gravity Models on Multifractal Robertson-Walker Cosmologies
(Farzad Fathizadeh, Yeorgia Kafkoulis, Matilde Marcolli) Ann. Henri Poincare, 21 (2020), no. 4, 1329-1382
- Crystal Lliang: Formal Languages and Quasicrystals
SURFers/WAVErs 2021
- Pedro Guicardi (Cornell University): Fractality in Cosmic Topology with Spectral Modelds of Gravity
- pdf Fractality in Cosmic Topology Models with Spectral Action Gravity
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