Ma 191 c: Quantum Statistical Mechanics and Noncommutative Geometry in Number Theory

Spring 2016, Caltech Math Department, Tuesday-Thursday 1:00pm-2:25pm SLN159, Instructor: Matilde Marcolli

Brief Course Description

This class will present methods of Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Operator Algebras, and Noncommutative Geometry applied to the study of zeta and L-functions in Number Theory.

Suggested readings: books

Suggested readings: papers

Suggested readings for student presentations

More will be added soon

Additional reading material

Notes of classes

Notes will be posted here. The class times of Tuesday May 31 and Thursday June 2 will be used for student prasentations.


The course is offered Pass/Fail. Requirements: one oral presentation on reading materials chosen from the list provided above (first come first serve) and attendance of (most) lectures.

Assigned student presentations:

Assigned persentations and presentation schedule will be listed here.