Exposure times for Deep Imaging and Spectroscopic targets ========================================================= Files can be found in the tables directory. survey_status_.tar.gz - a gzipped tar file of the tables directory The available exposure times for the GALEX surveys are tabulated in: status_deepd - Deep Imaging Survey status_deepg - Deep Spectroscopic surveys status_clusterd - Large galaxy mosaic and galaxy cluster targets status_mis_d - Medium Imaging Survey status_ngs_d - Nearby galaxy survey status_other_dg - Other targets (imaging and soectroscopic) status_gip_dg - Guest Investigator program (imaging and soectroscopic) status_cal_dg - Calibration targets (imaging and soectroscopic) PDF, postscript, and FITS table versions are also available. For Deep and cluster tables I have included targets that have a survey type ETI but should be included as part of the DIS. Also all spectroscopic surveys (WSS MSS DSS). Columns are: plan_id - The MPS plan ID number target_id - The MPS target ID type - Survey type ra - J2000 Right Ascension in degrees dec - J2000 Declination in degrees min_exp - Planning exposure limit neclipses - Number of eclipses assigned to target as accum_exp - Accumulated HVNOM time recorded in DBMPS comp_obs_data table nuv_ms_exp - Total NUV exposure time in mission status file fuv_ms_exp - Total FUV exposure time in mission status file nuv_qa_exp - Total NUV QA'd exposure time with PASS grade fuv_qa_exp - Total FUV QA'd exposure time with PASS grade The visibility of these targets can be seen in deep-visibility.ps and .pdf Questions or comments to: krl@srl.caltech.edu Created by krl