Konrad Pilch - Talks

  • Presentation at Australian Mathematical Society Conference, 29 Sep – 4 Oct 2013, University of Sydney.
    Title: The Bost-Connes System and the Hunt for Hilbert’s 12th Problem.
  • Presentation at Operator Algebras Seminar, University of Wollongong, 6 Oct 2013.
    Title: The Bost-Connes System and the Hunt for Hilbert’s 12th Problem.
  • Presentation at Strings Journal Club, University of Adelaide, 29 Oct 2013.
    Title: The Bost-Connes System.
  • Presentation at Australian Mathematical Society Conference, University of Ballarat, 25 Sep 2012.
    Title: Hilbert’s 12th Problem: Is Bost-Connes the Answer?
  • Guest Speaker, Australian Mathematics Competition Awards Ceremony 2006, 2013, 2014.