Page House

spe labor levis, et spe vinum gravis

A Message For Prefrosh

Welcome! At Page House, you'll have the opportunity to meet or hang out with members of Page (commonly referred to as Pageboys). Pageboys enjoy activities such as attending happy hours, grilling food, hanging in the lounge, going out together, and describing ourselves as "chill" more often than necessary. If you would like to learn more about Page House, please talk to one of our members. In the meantime, enjoy the Page House Rotation Video below. You can also check us out on instagram. If you have a specific question, feel free to ask a member of our Excomm.

Page Rotation Video 2024-25

Executive Commitee

Jayden Nyamiaka


Tami Soyebo

Vice President

Cason Shepard


Philippe des Boscs


Bisrat Kassahun

Athletics Manager

Soc(ial) Team

Aiden Di Carlo

Elise Chu

Charis Hall

Gabo Zhang

Matthew Cantor

David Castillo

Ath(letics) Team


Raymond Provost

Christine Chang