General Information


General Information 






CS/EE 145a fall 2007

Instructor: Tracey Ho
tho - caltech
Office: Moore 231
Office hours: Wednesday 4:30-5:30pm

Ali Vakili
avakili -  caltech 

David Noblet
dnoblet - cs.caltech

Adm. Assistant: Karolyn Yong
karolyn -
Office: Moore 204c

Recommended  References

Communication Networking: An Analytical Approach by Anurag Kumar, D. Manjunath, Joy Kuri. Morgan Kaufmann, 2004.

Computer Networks: A Systems Approach fourth edition by Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie. Morgan Kaufmann, 2007.


Homework and programming assignments collaboration policy:

You can collaborate with other CS/EE 145a students in designing or even developing a working program. You must however submit a program that you have written on your own without referring to any shared material or jointly developed program. Similarly, discussion and collaboration in solving homework problems is allowed. However, your submitted solution must be written without referring to any shared material such as discussion notes. You may not use any problem solutions from the web or from previous years' or other course material. You may refer to other general resources such as articles or papers on the web, textbooks, or other course notes.

Late policy, extensions:

There are no extensions, but some assignments will have extra credit that can be used to make up for late or missing assignments.

Late penalties:
Homework and programming assignments submitted after the due date are subject to late penalties.
Up to 3 working days late: 25% penalty
Up to 5 working days late: 40% penalty
No credit will be given to assignments that are submitted more than 5 working days late.


There will be four ten-minute in-class quizzes during the term. The quizzes will test basic knowledge and concepts, with the aim of ensuring that everyone is able to keep up with the class. The quizzes are open book, open notes, with no collaboration.


There will be 6 homework assignments, 4 programming assignments and 4 quizzes. Credit is weighted as follows:

Homework                                   45%
Programming assignments          45%
Quizzes                                       10%

Style grading

All assignments and quizzes will be graded on style, i.e. conciseness and clarity of answers, proofs or programs; the TAs should be able to understand your assignment with minimal effort. Developing good style will be useful in your academic and future professional careers, and your attention to style will make grading easier. It will not be to your advantage to confuse the TA with verbosity and handwaving. Style also includes legibility of handwritten submissions.

Style points
Submission                                   Style points                         Correctness points
Homework assignments                    10%                                          90%
Programming assignments                 20%                                          80%

TA sessions

Ali Vakili
Wednesdays 5-7 p.m.
Moore 139
Except for October 31st (at Moore 239)
Office: Moore 155

David Noblet
Fridays 7-9 p.m.
CS instructional lab (Jorgensen 154)



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