Readings Assigned/Mentionned in:

Lecture 3

NY Times article A Matter of Degree? Not For Consultants (use login "e106business" with standard class password)

Lecture 4 (

CNNfn article Car dealers hold the keys
McKinsey Quarterly article The mouse that roared
U.S. Department of Commerce The Digital Emerging Economy II
The Economist article The net imperative

Lecture 6 (Barnes & Noble vs. Amazon)

NY Times article Barnes and Noble with Yahoo
NY Times article Quietly, Booksellers Are Putting an End to the Discount Era

Lecture 7 (Scientific Publishing)

Caltech Scholars' Forum

Lecture 10 (eBay - response to Amazon)

BusinessWeek article Amazon's Jeff Bezos: "The New Businesses are Gaining Traction" (Oct. 26, 2000)
Yahoo article Amazon Shares Drop Amid Accounting, Cash Flow Concerns (Oct. 30, 2000)

Lecture 15 (Hotmail - a case in Valuation)

McKinsey Quarterly article Valuing dot-coms by Desmet, Francis, Hu, Koller, and Riedel