April, 2015

Caltech C
Table Tennis Tournament

加州理工大学第二届乒乓大赛马上就要开始啦! CaltechC的小伙伴们大家好!小时候经常打的乒乓球是不是很久没碰了呢? 我们将和乒乓球俱乐部一起合办2015 Caltech 第二届乒乓球比赛。 现在热烈欢迎大家踊跃报名!即使你不会打也没有关系,加州理工乒乓球俱乐部 会在练习时段给大家提供专业的指导。比赛将分为男女单打以及fun games。 比赛当天我们还会提供水和饮料。

时间: 5月9日(Sat) 1:00~6:00 pm
地点: Brown Gym
报名时间:4/19 - 5/19

练习session: 4/25和5/2: 6:00pm - 8:00pm

具体比赛规则请看以下,如果你有任何问题,请联系minfa: mwang5@caltech.edu,我们期待你们的到来!

Important ones:
1 - games are 11 points each switching serves every 2 points.
2 - during deuce serves rotate every point
3 - Matches are best of 5
4 - after each match players switch sides of the table (the only exception is during the 5th game once a player has gotten 5 points they switch sides of the table again. whether or not we do this is up to us)
5 - the ball must be tossed up during the serves the official ruling is like 16cm but as long as they don't hit it out of their hand I think its fine.
6 - again with serves if you miss the ball its the other player's point.

- 2015 Caltech Table Tennis Tournament is coming up, this year’s tournament is co-hosted by CaltechC and Table Tennis Club. We will have Single-elimination games for all skill levels and games for fun! We’ll host practice sessions with the members from Caltech Table Tennis Club!

When: May 9. 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Where: Brown gym
Registration Link
Registration Data:4/19 - 5/19

Practice Sesions: 4/25和5/2: 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Divisions(subject to change):
Men's Single (A); Men's Single (B)
Women's Single (A); Women's Single (B)
Fun games.

Important ones:
1 - games are 11 points each switching serves every 2 points.
2 - during deuce serves rotate every point
3 - Matches are best of 5
4 - after each match players switch sides of the table (the only exception is during the 5th game once a player has gotten 5 points they switch sides of the table again. whether or not we do this is up to us)
5 - the ball must be tossed up during the serves the official ruling is like 16cm but as long as they don't hit it out of their hand I think its fine.
6 - again with serves if you miss the ball its the other player's point.